Being a Misfit: Keeping our individuality alive?

Being a misfit How to keep our individuality alive

Being a misfit: Today’s inspiration is derived from a beautiful ted talk from Lidia Yuknavich about the beauty of being a misfit. Naturally we’ve all heard a lot of inspiring quotes about being a misfit. Some of those beautifully celebrate this aspect. However, I do find that most of these quotes romanticise a simple natural … Read more

How to achieve overnight success in a startup?

overnight success, timing perseverance and hard work quote, overnight success quote, startup lessons, startup advice

Overnight Success: It is fascinating to look at the statistics of startup successes. During my MBA, almost every time I produced a business plan, I was asked to project the 5 year plan. I often wondered where this 5 year requirement came from. Naturally most of the plans had a breakeven period of 3 years, … Read more

Leadership: Making the team feel safe in an Organization

making team feel safe, brian tracy trust quote, brian tracy leader quote, leader and trust, trust in organization

Making the Team Feel Safe: Today’s inspiration is from a lovely talk by Simon Sinek about Leadership and the feeling of security. Not so long ago, we talked about Maslow’s principle of hierarchy and its influence on a business. Accordingly, the basic motivational needs come under the physiological category. In this post, we discuss the … Read more

Does Invisible Funnel work for Startup Lead Generation?

we don't want to push ideas on to customers, invisible funnel in marketing, marketing funnel and prospects, marketing in startup, product marketing strategy, marketing strategies

It wasn’t long ago when I came across this phrase: Invisible funnel for marketing. Naturally I was curious about it to find out more and explore whether it can actually work in a startup context. As with most articles, you know very well by now that the answer is “It Depends”. Having said that, we … Read more

Who Gets the Credit? A Simple Question for Leadership

who gets the credit, leadership by trust, blame vs credit in leadership, its amazing what you can achieve when you don't care who gets the credit

Ah! It feels good to be coming back to the basic leadership questions. It’s amazing to read through the journey of leadership philosophies and understand its evolution.   One thing I am sure of in a leadership position is that it is not a perfect science. These principles are certainly great as guiding beacons. But … Read more

Why do we do the things we do – How to find our motivation?

feel tired, doing things we do, finding energy in things we do, sparks a light within, inspirational quotes, motivational quotes, quote of the day, quotes

Why do we do the things we do?: I have been thinking about this for a while. Of all the different experiences in my career I have been fortunate to have, a question has constantly recurred.   Why am I doing these things in the first place?   What will happen if I stop doing? … Read more

Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs in a business context

hierarchy of needs, individual motivation in organisation, team work, inspiration for team, startup lessons, startup advice

Maslow – The Hierarchy of Needs: I have been wanting to write about the hierarchy of needs for quite some time. During the early days, this was one of the theories which had a formative impact on understanding people. Although the theory belongs to the 1940s and a lot of it is not as valid … Read more

Managing Customer Expectations in Agile Framework!

deliver more, managing customer expectations, managing expectations in agile, agile expectations and delivery

Always deliver more than expected – Larry Page Managing Customer Expectations: This may sound like a slight overlap on our previous discussion about going the extra mile in an agile context. I do admit, there are a few similarities, In the last discussion, we went through the importance of definition of done, customer expectations management … Read more

Going the Extra Mile in an Agile Context

going the extra mile, customer satisfaction, minimum viable product, customer expectations, definition of done, agile development, prduct management

Going the extra mile in an agile context – is a discussion about managing customer expectations while delivering an excellent product. The discussion centres around priorities of product management, agile philosophies and defintion of done. These lines of thought culminate together to provide customer the expected product and a level of satisfaction which encourages brand loyalty

Look and Feel in product design – Product Management

Product management, feature prioritisation, look and feel, product design, design is not just what it looks and feels like

Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works. – Steve Jobs Product Design Design is almost a favourite topic in the standard product management meetings. General UX conversations for me mostly tend to be about improving accessibility and convenience in a product. This in other words take … Read more