Why do startups fail? 5 Key Reasons for founders

Why do startups fail – In this article, we talk about 5 main reasons why startups fail. Running a startup is hard – no doubts there. It is worse when you have to go through a failed startup experience. Sure, it builds resilience, but at the cost of quite a lot. If you’re building a … Read more

A goal is not always meant to be reached – Bruce Lee

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A goal is not always meant to be reached: The purpose of goals is not to overwhelm you or make you feel bad. They serve the good purpose of helping you to aspire to achieve something in your life. In this article, we talk about the meaning of this quote by Bruce Lee, the purpose … Read more

Thinking is the hardest work there is – Henry Ford

Thinking is the hardest work there is to do and that is why so few people engage in it - Henry Ford

Thinking is the hardest work there is – A fabulous burst of inspiration from Henry Ford. This quote challenges thoughts about ignorance, attacking people who have different views from you. Thinking is pretty hard work – it means that you’ve to keep your ego aside and welcome various possibilities. It also means that you might … Read more

Great people do things before they are ready!

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Great people do things before they are ready: A beautiful quote by Amy Poehler talks about doing great things vs waiting for perfection. If I waited for perfection, nothing would be achieved – instead, just time would be lost in the process. This quote makes the most sense in the perspective of a startup where … Read more

The most difficult thing is the decision to act – Amelia Earhart

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The most difficult thing is the decision to act: In this article, we talk about the significance of making decisions in comparison with the work that follows. Although the rest is called mere tenacity, we all know that it is hard work. This inspirational quote from Amelia Earhart puts the importance back on clarity of … Read more

5 Biggest mistakes in Life for your personality

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Biggest mistakes in life: It is a tall claim to talk about the biggest mistakes in life and how to treat them. Depending on the context, they can take various shapes. In this article, I’d like to focus on your personality, being true to yourself. Surely, it can’t be a comprehensive list but a great … Read more

A cynic knows the price of everything – Oscar Wilde Cynic Quote

A cynic knows the price of everything, Oscar Wilde Cynic Quote, oscar wilde price of everything value of nothing, oscar wilde value of nothing, cynic knows the price of everything, oscar wilde the price of everything and the value of nothing, inspiring quotes, daily quote, motivational quotes

Oscar Wilde Cynic Quote: A cynic knows the price of everything is a wonderful quote by Oscal Wilde about the meaning of being a cynic. It just makes us introspect a little and identify whether the value of being a cynic gives us many valuable returns? If so, is such a behaviour required for us … Read more

10 Inspiring Ralph Waldo Emerson Quotes

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Ralph Waldo Emerson Quotes: I love the collection of quotes from Ralph Waldo Emerson. Each of these quotes makes you think and reflect on how they can impact your life. Themes from these quotes follow success, failure, identifying your purpose and self-confidence, etc. In this collection, I want to talk about 10 favourite quotes from … Read more

7 Marketing Ideas for Medical Start-Ups

Marketing a medical start-up doesn’t have to be too different from promoting any other type of business. You can use many of the most popular digital marketing tactics. For example, the most fundamental marketing strategy is to create a well-designed website. In addition, you should be present on social media, as most people go online … Read more

I’d rather regret things I’ve done – Lucille Ball

I’d Rather Regret: Do regrets have a place in our life? If they do, is their purpose any better than giving us lessons to prevent such occurrences in the future? You see, we constantly keep moving – whether it is ahead or not, but we keep moving. The direction of travel is where we need … Read more