Read more about the article Don’t try to do everything by yourself in a startup
Don’t try to do everything by yourself, but try to connect with people and resources. Having that discipline and perseverance is really important_ - Chieu Cao, Co-founder of Perkbox

Don’t try to do everything by yourself in a startup

In this article, I'll make a case for an entrepreneur not to do everything by themselves. Although the temptation is to save expense and bootstrap - it can turn out to be expensive in the long run. Not only that, but you also won't have the expertise to do a good enough job at it.

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Read more about the article Freemium Model Pros and Cons for a startup
Freemium model pros and cons - Pros/Advantages

Freemium Model Pros and Cons for a startup

A brief discussion about the pros and cons of a freemium business model. In a product led company, it is similar to the product led growth model. The premise of these freemium models is value based selling. In this article, we will talk about the benefits and disadvantages of a freemium model for business.

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Read more about the article 4 Factors in your Financial Projections in a startup
Projections are just bullshit - startup quotes

4 Factors in your Financial Projections in a startup

For an early stage startup, valuation is very difficult. The best way to do this is to find a competitor or a similar business. Make an assumption about a % of market capture to give you an idea for initial valuation. Ultimately your startup value is based on

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Read more about the article Unique selling point definition in Startup, Small Business
Unique selling point definition

Unique selling point definition in Startup, Small Business

A USP is one of the most powerful statements for a company. It not only helps you differentiate from a competitor, but creates an identity for yourself. In this article, we talk about the definition of USP, its importance and how to write one

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Six e Commerce shipping tips for 2022

When you run an eCommerce business, once someone makes a purchase, their experience with your brand is really just beginning. If you read eCommerce eBooks from experts, you’ll hear a lot about how important shipping is. Your customers expect seamlessness in shipping, but at the same time, you have to consider your costs. 

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Read more about the article You have to get good at ceding control in a Startup!
Ceding control in a startup while ensuring the delivery of quality

You have to get good at ceding control in a Startup!

You have to get good at ceding control and not taking things personally. Even seasoned entrepreneurs have struggled with that. I think it’s about not taking failures personally and also not taking successes personally

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Read more about the article 6 Key Functions of Entrepreneur to build a startup
Key Functions of Entrepreneur to build a startup

6 Key Functions of Entrepreneur to build a startup

In this article, we talk about the various functions of entrepreneur in setting up and running a business. As you can imagine, the list of functions is innumerable, however, we can classify them under broad segments explored in this article.

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