You can never let failure defeat you

I love the inspiration from this exchange between Captain Haddock and Tin Tin. In this article, we will talk about the meaning of this quote from Tin Tin. The most valuable themes to explore from this dialogue are

Failure is natural and only a feedback
It is an opportunity to move forward and not behind
You can’t let failure defeat you

3 Salient Messages – Who Moved My Cheese!

This article is a short review of the top highlights from this book. More than a review this article is about the key takeaways from the theme of this book. The book is all about change. Whenever we’re at crossroads or maybe even before that, change comes knocking at our doors.

Stronger the wind, stronger the trees – Willard Marriot

Good timber does not grow with ease, stronger the wind, stronger the trees - J Willard Marriot

Good timber does not grow with ease, stronger the wind, stronger the trees: What is the purpose of our challenges? Does our life phenomenally improve with the quality of our challenges? It is natural for us to feel low with these challenges and curse them. But maybe there’s a message or two beyond these challenges and failures in life. We will try and explore some of these dimensions while explaining the meaning of this quote – good timber does not grow with ease!

Your story may not have a happy beginning but

We all have challenges and limiting circumstances in life. Do these challenges make us who we are? A part of my reasoning says yes because it is the quality of our challenges that determine our present and henceforth the future. Another aspect says – yes the past is an occurrence, but does that mean your future is limited because of it? Or is there something we can do about it? This article is about trying to understand the meaning of – Your story may not have a happy beginning.

Social Media Marketing Strategies That Work

Social media marketing is a strategy that businesses use to promote their products or services through various social media platforms. It can help increase brand awareness, reach new audiences, and drive sales. Having a plan in place can help a business effectively use social media to achieve its marketing goals. Social media marketing involves creating … Read more

People ignore design that ignores people-User Experience

people ignore design, people ignore design that ignores people, people centric design, user centric design, user experience, UX, UI

In this article, we will focus on the meaning of this quote in the perspective of a startup environment. We’re in the age of media transparency, ease of information dissemination. Companies don’t operate in a bubble anymore. They’re in the public purview now. How they behave with customers either ends up in a twitter or Facebook war. In fact, I’m sad that you usually get a quicker response on twitter than official email. This is how scared companies are of public response.

25 UX quotes for an entrepreneur to build user experience

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UX Quotes: This article is a collection of my favourites quotes on user experience. You’ll see about 25 user experience quotes int this collection as we chat through the importance of UX from a startup perspective. You can easily extend this to any business context, but you know that I can’t resist the temptation to talk about these from an entrepreneur’s perspective.

3 Types of Exit Strategy for a startup founder

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As an entrepreneur in early stages, an exit strategy was the last thing on my mind. However, my experience with fundraising has taught me that I’ll need to think about this as a part of my business plan

3 Key points on How to get funding for startup

Types of startup funding, how to fund a startup, funding options, entrepreneur funding, funds for founders

Startup funding is often a big deal because it not only conveys that someone believes in your idea but makes the business idea powerful. A small business can afford to be organic and wait whereas a startup thrives on quick growth and explosive development. As a founder, if you’re focused on explosive growth, you need to find out the best way to fund your startup

5 strategic steps for your startup branding

startup branding, startup branding strategy, start up branding, startup brand, startup name, start up brand, startup marketing, marketing strategies for startups,

We tend to associate brands to large companies. But startups and even individuals have our own brands. They come up in the form of consistent words, images and our communications that we use with people. A startup branding strategy is about creating this consistent engagement with your customers.