Whether You Think You Can Or Can’t You’re Right!

The discussion centres around self-belief, self-doubts, and the strength you need to muster in order to defeat these doubts. It is also about building the art of self-confidence to keep moving forward. If you're taking up challenges that are difficult, you'll need to find a belief system to think beyond limitations.

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Read more about the article Destiny is not a matter of chance – William Jennings
Destiny is not a matter of chance it is a matter of choice, it is not a thing to be waited for, it is a thing to be achieved - William Jennings

Destiny is not a matter of chance – William Jennings

A wonderful quote by William Jennings about destiny and life. Although a part of me believes - everything in life is meant to be and I'm responsible for it - another part strongly believes in creating all the opportunities we deserve. There is joy in giving everything you got - at least this way, you're not losing the fight even before it has started. In this article, we talk about the points of inspiration on destiny as a matter of choice vs chance.

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3 Ways to be Thankful, express gratitude and inspiring quotes

Gratitude is one of the most light, beautiful emotions that can help create a balance in our busy lives. It can help us pause time and find a balance between the most stressful moments. This article is a discussion on the meaning of gratitude and thankfulness. We will discuss 3 ways to be thankful and express true gratitude to our opportunities and challenges. We will end this article with a few quotes on gratitude that can motivate us to take some into practice.

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4 Non-Traditional Ways to Increase Employee Productivity

Your workplace can become a tight and supportive community if you offer the right resources. Your employees should feel comfortable and focused during work hours. If you want to ensure that your work environment nurtures productivity, the following points might be helpful.

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Read more about the article Choose the words you say to yourself carefully
Give up defining yourself to yourself or to others you won't die, you will come to life. And don't be concerned with how others define you, when they define you, the are limiting themselves, so its their problem - Eckhart Tolle

Choose the words you say to yourself carefully

Define yourself: What do our definitions mean? Are we only restricted by the words that we use to define ourselves? Or do we have the capability well beyond these words and what they mean? This article is all about identifying what we use to define ourselves. How do we use the words that describe our characteristics or features? And most importantly, are they limiting or elevating?

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You can never let failure defeat you

I love the inspiration from this exchange between Captain Haddock and Tin Tin. In this article, we will talk about the meaning of this quote from Tin Tin. The most valuable themes to explore from this dialogue are Failure is natural and only a feedback It is an opportunity to move forward and not behind You can't let failure defeat you

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3 Salient Messages – Who Moved My Cheese!

This article is a short review of the top highlights from this book. More than a review this article is about the key takeaways from the theme of this book. The book is all about change. Whenever we're at crossroads or maybe even before that, change comes knocking at our doors.

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Read more about the article Stronger the wind, stronger the trees – Willard Marriot
Good timber does not grow with ease, stronger the wind, stronger the trees - J Willard Marriot

Stronger the wind, stronger the trees – Willard Marriot

Good timber does not grow with ease, stronger the wind, stronger the trees: What is the purpose of our challenges? Does our life phenomenally improve with the quality of our challenges? It is natural for us to feel low with these challenges and curse them. But maybe there's a message or two beyond these challenges and failures in life. We will try and explore some of these dimensions while explaining the meaning of this quote - good timber does not grow with ease!

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