Startup Vision, Mission and Goal Setting for a Founder

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Startup vision, Startup Mission and Startup Goals: A startup is all about its grand purpose, the narrative for a beautiful outcome. In all the startup pitches I’ve seen, the most inspiring part is that most founders have a beautiful vision. Most times, these visions and missions are bigger than financial gains. It comes from a place of deep passion, respect for the customer’s problem and commitment to solving it.

4 Steps on How to turn your idea into business

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Every startup goes through the phase of idea generation, understanding the market and providing an adequate solution. They all start at the same wonderful place. It is a small thought in the head germinating seed of an idea that goes on to create a startup.

5 Practical tips for a startup business

Basic choices in an early-stage startup: In this article, we talk about the basics of creating an early-stage startup. We will talk about basics such as company registration, business plan, investment readiness etc.

5 Tips on How to stop being pessimistic

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How to stop being pessimistic: In this article, we will talk about the importance and challenges of pessimistic traits. I’d like to move away from the debate of optimists vs pessimists. We should be able to appreciate both of these traits. Pessimism talks about risks and values that are most important to you. Instead of falling prey to a blame cycle, we need to use this skillset to identify and create risk mitigation methods to achieve our results.

Drugs are not always necessary, belief is!

Drugs are not always necessary: This is a beautiful quote talking about the power of belief. This sometimes makes me question the placebo effect. It leads us to believe that the power of the mind is sometimes better than the medication itself. I’m not entirely sure if I believe in it objectively, but I admire … Read more

Our Doubts Are Our Traitors – Shakespeare

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Self-doubt is a horrible thing! But it isn’t useless. Self-doubt can help us more than fake confidence. In this debate, we explore the meaning of our doubts are our traitors, discuss on how to eliminate doubts to succeed. Doubts have a powerful way of telling us something. The purpose of doubts is not to weaken us. Instead, they’re trying to warn us of something.

So often people are working hard at the wrong thing

So often people are working hard at the wrong thing Startup 101

Working hard at the wrong thing: The quote is beautiful, but it’s not always easy to identify the right and wrong things. The way I’d interpret this quote is to find out the things that have the most impact. While running a startup, it is easy to get lost in finer details. We have to keep asking ourselves about the level of impact that our actions have. Based on the type of impact, we’ll need to temper our approach to save time.

Should we use Personality Tests in Startup Interviews?

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Are personality tests in interviews still valid? And should we use them in startup interviews? At least in my experience, most of my startup recruitments were through my own network. So, we used them sparingly during the early stages. However, as the company grew, we used some of these successfully. The most important thing to remember is that a personality test is not a way to judge someone. It is only an opportunity to be curious and know more about someone.

5 Must consider areas for user experience in startup

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User Experience: Whether it is a B2B or B2C product, the software cannot escape good UX. People ignore products that ignore users. As an entrepreneur, it is hard to have funds to afford good design. This is where you’d need to decide whether to go for a Minimum Viable product or Minimum Lovable product approach. Generally, the lovable product approach suits the crowded market space. Assuming an entrepreneurial route, I’m inclined to think of the MVP approach.