Inspirational Aamir Khan Quotes, Life lessons

Inspirational Aamir Khan Quotes: Collection of quotes by Aamir Khan. This article is detailed in a related Amir Khan inspirational quote. In this article, we will be presenting only a small slideshow and gallery of quotes in images. You can use these images as appropriate – I would only request a link back if you … Read more

8 Inspirational Saina Nehwal Quotes

Saina Nehwal inspirational quotes, saina nehwal quotes, saina nehwal inspiration, saina nehwal quote images, saina nehwal motivation

Saina Nehwal Quotes: This article is a collection of inspiring quotes from Saina Nehwal. I’m a big fan of quotes from sportspersons. They have a beautiful sense of perseverance, hard work and grit that is brought to life frequently. In today’s collection, we focus on Saina Nehwal quotes.

The secret of getting ahead is getting started–Mark Twain

Procrastination, secret of getting ahead, getting ahead, facing procrastination

The secret of getting ahead: In this article, we’ll talk about the meaning of Mark Twain’s famous quote. It is similar to Walt Disney’s quote – The way to get started is to quit talking and begin doing. This quote is all about making a start to move forward. I’m also conscious that while making a start, there are some common problems such as planning for perfection, not having all details etc. In addition, there’s also the fear of what happens if things go wrong. Perhaps that’s where we need to dig deep into this quote and remind ourselves that the secret to getting ahead is to start. And progress beats perfection any day!Our motivation to keep pushing forward amidst limitations

Things that hold us back – it can be laziness, procrastination or lack of motivation 

And finally how to get to the end point and succeed in our goals

Does the SVB collapse mean a tidal wave of Startup Layoffs?

SVB Collapse: A brief article about the SVB collapse and what it might mean to the startup world. We all know that the tech industry is undergoing layoffs over the last 6-8 months. The fall of SVB has made us question the stability of startups. We already saw a reduction in VC money and investments going into the tech-based startup sector. However, the collapse might mean that investors can take on a further conservative route sending some alarm signals for the startup world.

It is not enough to have a good mind – Rene Descartes

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It is not enough to have a good mind – talks about our responsibility to take actions instead of over analysing and justifying our inactions

Live Out Of Your Imagination, Not Your History

Live out of your imagination: A lovely quote by Stephen Covey talking about our bad habits of letting past failures ruin our future hopes. The past is a powerful occurrence. It teaches us a lot of things including how to avoid failure. However, sometimes, this past can be a hindrance and prevent us from dreaming or thinking big. Our life and future are defined by our ability to imagine. If we constantly live in fear, what hope do we have for the future of our lives?

Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans

Life is what happens when you're busy making other plans, making plans in life, life quotes, life, Inspirational quotes, motivational quote, inspiration, motivation, quote of the day, thought for the day, daily quote, inspiring, motivating, life, self improvement, personality development, life coaching,

Life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans: This is a beautiful quote by John Lennon. You’d know him for the stunning music and as a founder of The Beatles. He is known for his sharp writing and this quote is a reminder of his tone as well. I like the message in this quote as we’ll explore further. In this article, we try to touch on the meaning of – life is what happens when you’re busy making other plans.

6 Practical Tips on If you can dream it you can achieve it

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I’ve always been fascinated by the energy and motivation dreams can provide. Dreams are not the ones which come to you while sleeping. Your dreams have phenomenal power and they have a beautiful way of inspiring you. To understand the meaning of – if you can dream it you can achieve it, you first need to listen to your dreams.

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