Read more about the article Choose the words you say to yourself wisely – Sean Stephenson
Choose the words you say to yourself wisely, they are creating your reality! - Sean Stephenson

Choose the words you say to yourself wisely – Sean Stephenson

Choose the words you say to yourself wisely: The person we talk the most to is ourselves. No matter where we are, we keep having these self-talks that define our…

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Read more about the article Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over!
Even if you are on the right track, you’ll get run over if you just sit there. - Will Rodgers

Even if you’re on the right track, you’ll get run over!

Even if you are on the right track: We've got to keep moving and adapting in life. Our job is not over when we reach success. Instead, it is only in continuous progress that we will see lasting success. It is the same tortoise and hare story. The moment, we decide to take our eyes off the goal - more obstacles creep up. Obstacles become these scary things that magically appear when we move astray.

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Read more about the article Be the change you want the see in the world, Mahatma Gandhi
Be the change that you wish to see in the world. - Mahatma Gandhi

Be the change you want the see in the world, Mahatma Gandhi

This quote is an active reminder to take charge of our lives to make a change. Gandhi eloquently says - be the change you want to see in the world. The world is a complex place with lots of challenges, and difficulties. Some of these make us even question our place. But it is easy to get lost in these difficulties and feel helpless.

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Read more about the article 13 Inspirational Love Quotes to reflect and define Love
13 Inspirational Love Quotes -

13 Inspirational Love Quotes to reflect and define Love

Love motivational quotes: Love takes on various shapes and forms. In this article, love takes on the form of inspiration and a collection of love motivational quotes that talk about the definition of love, its meaning and its impact on our life. It also questions the age-old notions of expectations from love to be perfect. Love is about being true, honest and authentic. You will see this punctuated through these beautiful quotes on love.

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Read more about the article 9 Priceless Benjamin Franklin Quotes for Inspiration
9 Priceless Benjamin Franklin Quotes for Inspiration

9 Priceless Benjamin Franklin Quotes for Inspiration

Benjamin Franklin Quotes: Benjamin Franklin was one of America's founding fathers, a polymath who made significant contributions to science, literature, politics, and more. His legacy includes a vast array of inspiring and thought-provoking quotes that are still relevant today. From the importance of hard work and persistence to the value of knowledge and education, Franklin's words continue to motivate and inspire people around the world. In this article, we'll explore some of his most famous quotes and the lessons they can teach us about success, perseverance, and life

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Read more about the article Motivation Vs Inspiration – 3 Key Differences

Motivation Vs Inspiration – 3 Key Differences

This article is a debate about the differences between motivation and inspiration. Which force is more suited for us to reach our goals? Is there a difference at all between these factors? Join the debate as we talk more about the definition, root cause and duration of these magical forces within us. Let me kick off the debate by asking - what is better - Motivation or Inspiration?

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Read more about the article Are we made up of hammer or steel?
The same hammer that shatters glass forges steel, there is a lot of truth in this - are we made up of glass or steel - the hammer is the same

Are we made up of hammer or steel?

This is a beautiful quote that marks a thought for the day. Our challenges and circumstances pose challenges each day. How we react to these challenges shapes our lives and opportunities. While we discuss the inspiration behind this article, we talk about the meaning of - the same hammer that shatters glass forges steel. It is a question of what we are made up of. Are we weak as glass or tough as steel?

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Read more about the article Why Fit In When You Were Born To Stand Out?
Why fit in when you were born to stand out

Why Fit In When You Were Born To Stand Out?

A powerful quote by Dr Seuss talking about maintaining our individuality. It is often one of the most overly quoted words to talk about individuality and freedom of spirit. However, as we grow up, it is the first thing to be quashed in a world that expects us to fit into a mould. How do we maintain this individuality as we adjust to the world around us?

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