What do you do if your boss yells at you?

Well it is probably one of the most heinous things if your boss yells at you in a public place, in front of other teammates, employees or even a third person other than you. There certainly is an unwritten code about passing negative information or offering critical feedback. You are not allowed to do that … Read more

What according to you constitutes a failure?

I am sure the society will have a huge list of things as to what a success is and what failure is. Something that has always made me curious is, the definitions somehow seem to keep on changing every now and then. It is one definition when you are a student, another when you get … Read more

Wanting to be a millionaire

How about the richest man saying this for a change?! I have constantly asked myself as to what the utmost ideal in life should be. Whether it is money, making a difference, creating a social change, a renaissance, becoming a godly creature…. And so on.. We all have a set of definitions for ideals don’t … Read more

Why do you stop? Because you are old??

Achievements perhaps are the most elusive ones of all. Most times it so happens that we don’t even know when we have actually done them and sometimes we realize it was all in the process. When we try and look at this world and see the number of achievements  that have kept it alive, it … Read more

Office : Why we are not proactive?

People in an professional set up, often managers have asked us this one question. Why are you not proactive? Why don’t you take more projects and why is it that you don’t show interest on your own. I have often wondered the same and a lot of reasons come to mind. Dilbert here certainly addresses … Read more

What is your dream?

What is success? What is an achievement? What are your dreams and what are your passions? Who defines them? What are the criteria necessary for something to be called a dream, a true call? I suppose there can be varied answers to the same but there are some answers I would be weary about when … Read more

Comics : Office communication

I have often wondered about the importance of communication in a set up either personal or professional and how important the roles it takes. I guess communication is an independent one whether it is a personal or a professional front, all it deals with is finally the relationship and how good we are at maintaining … Read more

What would you rather believe?

What is the one thing that holds us back from our goals? The complexity of the goal? The farfetchedness of a dream? The lack of resources? The lack of support from peers and society? What else is that holds us back? What about the belief whether you can achieve something or not? If I were … Read more

Don’t miss the forest for the trees

I came across this phrase while reading a book today. My first impression was a smile and within a short moment the smile kept broadening and I felt how clever the phrase was. So many times, with the way we are brought up and the society has tuned us, we have been told to focus  … Read more