20 Inspiring Quotes on Courage in Life

Courage manifests in multiple dimensions. My favourite is around decision-making which signifies courage. It extends to both the things that we do and the ones that we don’t. Courage ultimately tests our abilities and forces us to take tough decisions. Maybe we won’t always be courageous. But it helps to remember some of these quotes that can influence us and our actions in difficult situations.

Inspirational Quotes from Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking was a brilliant theoretical physicist, cosmologist, and author who made significant contributions to our understanding of the universe. His insights into the nature of black holes, the origins of the universe, and the possibility of time travel have inspired and challenged scientists and the general public alike. Here is a summary of some … Read more

20 Powerful Quotes On Optimism for inspiration

This article is a collection of quotes on optimism. I’ve often tried to define myself as an optimist before I realised how limiting these labels are. The new definition I have is based on the situation rather than on me as a character. Both optimism and pessimism have their powerful influences. However, neither of these … Read more

29 Inspiring quotes on curiosity for insatiable minds

I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious - Albert Einstein Quotes

This article is a collection of quotes on curiosity to engage our minds. It is a rare luxury these days to feel bored and find ourselves questioning things around us. However in some of those rare luxuries, if you find yourself asking questions, please indulge in them. Curiosity is indeed a virtue to explore and find the benefits from.

25 Inspirational quotes on perseverance

Success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it, what does success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it mean, success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it report writing, success quotes, thoreau success quote, success comes to those who work for it, success comes to those who quotes

It is hard to keep going when things are tough. This article is a collection of quotes on perseverance to help us power through these tough times. Romantically, I’m expected to say that we should never quit but keep going. But that’s your personal choice to make right? If it is important enough to us, we will always find ways to keep moving forward. But these times need some motivation and powerful words to help us focus. For that, here’s the collection of perseverance quotes to help our determination.

20 Powerful quotes on focus for success

Efficiency is doing things right Effectiveness is doing right things quote by Peter drucker - Efficiency is doing things right: It's not just important to use our time wisely to become productive. It is most important to ensure that we are spending our time on the right things. This quote by Peter Drucker beautifully talks about the difference between efficiency and effectiveness. It is so easy to get caught up in the idea of being productive with time. However, effectiveness asks us to step out of this biased thinking. It forces us to look at the big picture and ask whether we are compromising effectiveness for the sake of efficiency.

In this article, we have a collection of quotes on focus and concentration. We are capable of doing so many things on a daily basis. But the focus isn’t always on our side. With so many distractions and ways to capture our interest, these quotes help us think about the type of things that take us away from our focus. What we focus on is what we are becoming.

25 Helen Keller Quotes to overcome our limitations

life is a daring adventure, taking risky decisions in life, uncertainty in life, security is a superstition, helen keller life is either a daring adventure or nothing

When I thought of a title for this article, I couldn’t think of anything more than – limitations, fighting spirit and moving ahead without complaining. Maybe these terms create an image of Helen Keller that I have. I’m conscious that these terms are too inadequate to define a personality. Perhaps, we may take solace in the fact that there’s so much to inspire us from her words, works and a life of example.

Napoleon Hill Quotes to motivate us

Napoleon Hill, a pioneering self-help author, has left an indelible mark with his profound insights on success, personal growth, and achievement. His empowering quotes continue to inspire and motivate individuals worldwide. In this article, we delve into the wisdom of Napoleon Hill through some of his most influential quotes. Let’s explore how these words of wisdom can unlock the door to success and empower you on your journey of self-discovery and fulfillment.

9 Powerful Jawaharlal Nehru Quotes for inspiration

Jawaharlal Nehru was not only a renowned Indian statesman and politician, but also a prolific writer and thinker. He played a crucial role in India’s struggle for independence from British colonial rule and served as the country’s first Prime Minister from 1947 to 1964. In addition to his political legacy, Nehru’s writings and quotes continue … Read more