Oh yes! I was Embarrassed!

Few days ago I was working-out in gym with the Rocky Balboa song playing. With all the energy I kept on cycling, something went wrong with the peddle; soon I was on a floor. Yes I fell down :D I was embarrassed. I woke up making sure not to make an eye contact with others … Read more

10 reasons why you should read WHO MOVED MY CHEESE?

I have always been a huge fan of personality development and its theories. But it is beautiful as to how a theory can be portrayed in the form of a story, an engaging story sending out a very powerful message. A story as short as about 4 hrs and leaves you with a thought, something … Read more

Try something new

The 30 day challenge to do something new, simple easy ways to improve the quality of life I came across this video in TED TALKS, a video of MATT CUTTS where he talks about a 30 day challenge, a challenge to start something new, do something new for the next 30 days. Here are a … Read more

Neil Harbisson – I can’t see colors but I hear them!

About Neil: Neil Harbisson – an artist and a musician. He was born with the inability to see colors or color blindness if you can call it so. Most people would give up anything to do with colors as an option in life but Neil decides to find a way out, he doesn’t let his … Read more

10 Reasons Why You Should Read THE ALCHEMIST

I have always been fascinated by this book and certainly would recommend as one of the best books of the generation to read and relate to. Something which every dreamer possesses in his heart is the true spirit and the book just helps you get in touch with that person inside of us. Here is … Read more

We can all complain but….

HAVE I BEEN A COMPLAINT FREAK? I have been a big fan of words from Abraham Lincoln, the above quote sets me back a few days/months/years while I remember how much of a complaint freak I was. I had endless things to grumble about – the situation, people, weather, AC, relatives and friends and family…. you get the picture … Read more

Comfortable in one’s shoes!

I was with a bunch of friends in a restaurant having good time, discussing topics from work, personal life and yes also politics. Discussion goes deeper and deeper, few order for some drinks, some alcoholic, some non alcoholic. One of my friends, often considered the conservative one was offered a drink and he denied as … Read more

The Last Lecture: 10 Reasons Why You Should Read

THE LAST LECTURE has always been one of my favorite books on the list. Here is a list of top 10 reasons as to why I love the book. I have been a fan of both the lecture – Video and the book as well. Amongst a lot of other reasons why I love the … Read more

10 reasons Why You Should Read How I Braved Anu Aunty And Co-Founded A Million Dollar Company

One of my recent reads was this book by Varun Agarwal, a 20 something Engineer who breaks out of the norm of finding a job in a software company, talks about the challenges in his life, how he overcame them, the societal pressures, the monetary ones, the family ones and so on. It is as … Read more