Are you the weird or just the Different? Derek Sivers’s Ted Talk

 I am called a weirdo in my group of friends. Most of the times I am proud to justify I am different from them and the rest I would like to stick to the title of weirdo. It is a concealed pleasure to be both, to know that you are being someone who you want to be.

Recently, I came across this video, a 3 minute video which keeps you thinking the beauty of many aspects and situations of life. And also promises to leave you smiling and proud of being yourself.

Instead of directly jumping into the conclusion of how weird someone or something is, I think we have to keep Derek Sivers’s words in mind.

“sometimes we need to go to the opposite side of the world to realise assumptions we didnt even know we had and realise the opposite of them can also be true.”

I am sure, there is one more line which grabbed your attention, “Whatever the true thing you say about India, it’s opposite is also true.”

The beauty of the world lies in its diversity and likewise the beauty of humankind lies in its weirdness! Well… I think diversity sounds good :)


If you are interested to know more about Derek Sivers or his videos.Here is the link to his page: link

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16 thoughts on “Are you the weird or just the Different? Derek Sivers’s Ted Talk”

  1. Thank you for the post. I believe there is no such thing as weird because we are all unique.

    Many people judge the others so easily I think it’s human nature. I do that too. But I realize that the reason why I am judging them negatively is – I am not happy with what I have. I want to see other people’s misery because I am envious of other people’s life. It is not good. I just felt more miserable and unhappy.

  2. I think wierd is awesome ! Afterall whats the point in being normal..I would rather prefer to be weird then pretend to be something I am not!

  3. It depends upon the group of people you are spending time with. The optimistic people will feel you are different and likewise. And I feel it also depends upon what topic are you having a different perception towards for e.g. if you will go against the cult or not in favour with women dressing shorts, then people won’t say anything, they will directly beat the crap out of you. But yes diversity indeed sounds good :)

  4. Yes, I also don’t mind being called as a weird sometimes. It gives me a tickling sensation and a good laugh :-D

    Liked the ‘India’ quote….it does make sense…

    Hope you’re doing fine Vidyashree, I was very much irregular for the last few weeks. Will be regular with my blog as well as a reader on other blogs very soon :-)

    • Hi Maniparna. I am doing great and hope the same from you. Thank you for sharing your thoughts.

      I have been very^x irregular. Getting back to to the regularity is taking quite some time, I will be there very soon :)

  5. Very true Vidhyashree. Sometimes being recognised as a weirdo is also good and healthy. And I love that line ‘Whatever the true thing you say about India, it’s opposite is also true’ thought provoking lines. Good interesting post.


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