A time of crisis is not just a time of anxiety and worry!

A time of crisis is not just a time of anxiety and worry: No one likes a crisis, but amidst all the anxiety and fear – it also gives rise to an opportunity. As we despair in difficult times, we also have to find the courage to find our opportunities. This quote has a lot to do with your mindset and finding opportunities even when your life is difficult. But they will be around us no matter how tough life gets. There must be an opportunity and a way out to help us to our destiny.

A Time of crisis is not just a time of anxiety

The first response at a time of crisis is of fear, anxiety and worry. I suppose it is only natural for us to feel this and respond to our emotions. but once these emotions cool down, there is a space to do something more. We have to be very careful not to slip into the zone of helplessness and victim mentality. The moment we do that, we fall prey into a dangerous cycle of helplessness. What we need to do is go beyond and find a path to move forward. A crisis also gives rise to an opportunity. For people looking for an opportunity, it will appear. And the same is true for people looking for challenges and trouble in life.

A time of crisis is not just a time of anxiety and worry - Desmond Tutu
A time of crisis is not just a time of anxiety and worry – Desmond Tutu

Every crisis presents an opportunity, It gives a chance, an opportunity to choose well or to choose badly

I almost find this as a poetic statement as I read this out loud. For startups looking at survival, how can someone completely shift their focus and say – “Everything is going to hell, but I am going to look at this as an opportunity”. But if I look at this critically, what other choices do we have? We can either take this as an opportunity and try to find innovative solutions. Not that we always find something that works, but it sets our mind in a problem-solving mode rather than worrying about it and feeling anxious.

It seems like such a simple statement, but we can’t afford to keep worrying about the situation. We are all presented with something which we don’t have an awful lot of control over. It is a given, no amount of praying or feeling sad about it is going to change the outcome.

Although all these questions seem very valid, it doesn’t matter in a time of crisis. The quote not only beautifully portrays reality in front of us, but also forces us to think in a different direction. We can sit and feel sad, but none of those is going to help. The flip side is to be very cautious about it and see what really is something which can aid our cause. We all know where we want to go – perhaps that was why a decision of startup was made. If we keep our thoughts focused on the problem, it is not going to disappear. We have to find a way, we have to struggle. Survival is never an easy fight, but that’s what startups are really good at – bringing out the unpredictable and fighting through.

I don’t think I can ever explain what that spirit really means – but it is one of those spirits which have made startups thrive time and again.

After all, when we are placed with a situation, perhaps the only thing we have full control on is the way we look at it:

A time of crisis is not just a time of anxiety and worry. It gives a chance, an opportunity, to choose well or to choose badly.
Desmond Tutu

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