A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes

A man is but the product of his thoughts. What he thinks, he becomes!. This quote takes us beyond the realm of our physical appearance, and attributes to something more fundamental. It talks about our thoughts, beliefs and behaviours that are influenced by these thoughts. We often are trained to look at the results and adjust our approaches based on these results. But we don’t often stop to realise what we are thinking and how they are influencing us. These thoughts are powerful and can have a magical impact on us. They are similar to the undercurrents in an ocean – they are fierce, powerful and can make a compelling impact. These thoughts add together and come together to create a cumulative impact which is visible to the naked eye only later. This quote from Mahatma Gandhi nudges us to be more conscious about these thoughts that shape and influence us.

A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes

Mahatma Gandhi

A man is but the product of his thoughts Meaning

Thoughts may be fleeting but they sculpt our inner world: Our thoughts are precious and perhaps sometimes the most sacred things about us. We tend to label these thoughts as good or bad, but thoughts themselves are agnostic of these. They just come and make us reflect on them. We don’t always listen to these thoughts carefully because they might tell us what we like to hear. Regardless of that, these thoughts are fascinating because they keep shaping and guiding us. Whether we recognise this or not, these thoughts have the power to keep shaping our internal self.

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A man is but the product of his thoughts what he thinks, he becomes – Mahatma Gandhi Quotes

Don’t judge your thoughts, let them flow free and tell you what they’re trying to do: It is almost magical, but the internal self is so powerful that it manifests in the external without much effort. We may think that we’re very good at hiding these internal thoughts. But they always find a way to be recognised by the sensitive viewer. This quote tells us to be aware of these thoughts that are constantly occurring in the background. Don’t worry about judging or avoiding these thoughts because they are only a reflection of what’s happening in your mind. The worst thing to do with these thoughts is to snub them or avoid them. If we do that, these thoughts find a way to come out at the most inopportune moments, causing severe stress and pressure. Instead, we can become better and listening to these thoughts without judgment or disdain. At every stage, they are guiding us to becoming someone or something. We can only ignore them at our peril.

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