#Azaadi4Me: What Is Freedom For You?


#azaadu4me, freedom according me, what does freedom mean to you, what do you think makes you free, self improvement and freedomWhat is freedom? What does #Azaadi4Me mean?

We all know that we are nearing independence day and in our last post we talked about the 5 reasons for being incredibly proud of being an Indian. But what really is freedom, what does it mean to you, to you personally.

And I am not asking about partying out in the night, or finding the products you like online for free or finding some free coupons also. They may mean a bit of freedom but not the #Azaadi4Me we are gonna talk about today. What is freedom according to you.

The last brilliant answer I read about this was –

“All I ever want is the freedom to make my own mistakes!” 

If you recall what Gandhi said –

” Freedom is not worth having if it doesn’t include the freedom to make mistakes” 

Well if you ask us what is freedom, we will just give you a simple answer from inspire99 and for us #Azaadi4Me is as simple as the freedom to be ourselves. A freedom from the pressure group around us, a freedom to make our own mistakes, a freedom to screw up a few times, a freedom to live the life we dream of, a freedom to go out of the norms and societies and actually be who we are. A freedom to actually proudly accept who we are and not be ashamed of it.

A freedom to say that it doesn’t really matter what people think about us because we know who we are and what we are capable of. And that is the freedom we are talking about today. Not the freedom in the general external sense of it. The freedom from the limitations we set for ourselves, the freedom to breach our shackles and welcome the world we truly deserve to be a part of.

And that is our #Azaadi4Me or freedom if you ask us.

What does #Azaadi4Me or freedom mean to you?

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Vinay Nagaraju

Product Director with 10+ years in leadership roles - team building, product strategy, coaching and mentoring are a part of my everyday responsibilities. I write about motivational words that inspire us and shape our thinking and help us go beyond these thoughts to find what our minds are telling us and evolve.

This Post Has 5 Comments

  1. Lata

    Great post, Vinay. Freedom, to me, is an independent mind that is not tied down by the opinions of others and more important, by fear.

    1. Vinay Nagaraju

      Thank you Lata. That is a very stable thought about independence, a mind unperturbed by its surroundings, a mind liberated from the rigmaroles and fear of life. I like that :)

  2. Kishor Kr

    Nice post. Well, I agree that freedom to make mistake is one thing that everyone would desire the most. But unless that comes with a sense of responsibility and will to set things right, I think this freedom can be vicious. Considering how our politicians have named Rapes as a “boy’s mistake” I am sure a sensible person would not want to make that mistake, or let others make that mistake. And, that’s just one example. Mistakes can mean anything without a sort of limitation. Though, you’re right we should have a little freedom to commit mistakes as long as we’re not harming ourselves, other people or the environment through our mistakes and we’re willing to learn from them while setting them right the next time.

    1. Vinay Nagaraju

      Thanks Kishore, Nice to have you here. I agree with your point of view. Mistakes should have limitations. I guess I wasn’t very clear on the post, I was referring to the mistakes we hold back from, the internal ones which prevent us from going beyond our comfort zone to make something happen. The fear of being judged for that mistake and so on. For the above example and the actions which have a direct bearing on the structure of the governance or society as a structure, I am completely with you :)

      1. Kishor Kr

        Yes, Vinay. I did understand your point entirely from the post itself. I just wanted add upon your point of view so that it’s not misunderstood. Mostly, people take time to understand the direct lesson, but never make it late to get the wrong idea. The chaotic society is the result of same trait that is imbibed into us right from the birth. Our basic instinct is to rebel. If we are asked not to open the box, we’ll definitely open it. Hence, freedom is needed to bring out the best inside us. To stop us from being afraid of the failure. To fight all the obstacles. However, there should never be too much freedom that we’re truly lost in the vastness of this world where it’s easier to commit mistakes than not.
        I must say that even after celebrating 69th Independence Day, India is not truly free in majority of the areas. And, wherever it is free people are making misuse of the given freedom. It’s a high time we really understood what being free means.

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