Take up one idea make that one idea your life – Vivekananda

Take up one idea make that one idea your life: This quote talks about the power of focus and concentration. Our minds are naturally distracted by too many things around us. This makes it difficult to identify what we truly like and gain expertise on. The quote talks to me about the power of identifying what we truly care for. Ideally, the cusp of greatest value is when three things coincide – our interests, what we are good at and motivation. The best part is that we have a say in all these three parts which influence our life. In this article, we will discuss more and find the motivation in the meaning of take up one idea make that one idea your life. We ought to think, dream and be passionate about it to achieve greatness and fulfil our ambition.

Take up one idea make that one idea your life

This is an exceedingly powerful statement – we can have many distractions, but unless we focus on something and become great at it, our value dwindles. Perhaps the days of jack of all trades is dwindling and now comes the era of mastery of specific things. If you look around, specialists of a trade or knowledge are highly valued. It pays to become a person of specialisation, having knowledge that’s in demand which very few people have specialisation on. This helps you stand out and create a difference. If you talk to any new mentors, they will tell you the same thing – find a niche, gain expertise and grow. This is where you can find the most success.

“Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life; dream of it think of it; live on that idea,  Let the brain, the body, muscles, nerves, every part of your body be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone - Swami Vivekananda quotes
“Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life; dream of it think of it; live on that idea, Let the brain, the body, muscles, nerves, every part of your body be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone – Swami Vivekananda quotes

Take up one idea: As for the meaning of the quote – our first duty is to select the idea. This idea can represent our interest, something which we can be naturally good at. Most importantly this area should make you interested and create a willingness to spend time on it. Unless you immerse yourself in this, there is no mastery.

Make that one idea your life: This is all about mastery – develop a skillset that can’t easily be copied. Your expertise and depth of knowledge will stand out to create a compelling edge and will help you carve a niche for yourself. But mastery comes at a cost – it will demand a lot of work from you and dedication to achieve this finesse

Let your brain, muscles and every part of your body be full of this idea: This may sound mad to you – but this is the power of ultimate focus. If you’re in this state, your mind is engulfed with ideas relating to this. Your concentration gives so much energy and dedication to this idea that creativity has no chance but to find you.

This is the way to success

I’ve seen numerous definitions of success. But the best one is about being able to live life the way you want – There is only one success to be able to spend your life the way you want. Most times people talk about passion being something that they like. But passion demands energy – just interest alone will not take you a long distance. If you want to achieve mastery – it needs to have a fine balance between your interest and specialisation. You can have multiple passions in life and they can be a great source of energy. But you need to find a way to differentiate between your passion and your mastery. The worst thing to happen is to lose your passion due to burn out. You can be passionate about many things, but success is often based on your expertise and mastery.

Focus on this mastery and find a way to market this skill. Success cannot run away from you if you continue honing this skill. This is also the principle of continuous learning and progress that helps you stay ahead of the game.

“Take up one idea. Make that one idea your life; dream of it think of it; live on that idea, Let the brain, the body, muscles, nerves, every part of your body be full of that idea, and just leave every other idea alone –

Swami Vivekananda quotes

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