You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face

Eleanor Roosevelt’s wise words, “You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face,” serve as a timely reminder of how facing our fears can be a transformative experience. This statement urges us to embrace life’s challenges and learn from them, instead of avoiding what scares us.

Eleanor Roosevelt’s quote captures the essence of human resilience. It’s a mantra for those who want to step out of their comfort zones and grow. It suggests that the road to personal development is fraught with obstacles, but overcoming them is how we build our character.

Meaning of You Gain Strength, Courage, and Confidence by Every Experience in Which You Really Stop to Look Fear in the Face

This quote packs a powerful message about the human spirit. Facing fear is akin to staring into an abyss. It’s unsettling, filled with unknowns. Yet, here’s the kicker: when you dare to look, you grow.

Fear has a knack for paralysing us. It casts a shadow on our abilities, making us question our worth. But when you decide to confront it, you dismantle its power over you. Each time you do it, you become stronger. You’re essentially saying, “I see you, fear, and I’m not backing down.”

The strength you gain isn’t just physical or emotional; it’s also mental. You learn that fear is often worse in your imagination than in reality. That realisation arms you with courage. Courage isn’t the absence of fear; it’s the decision to act despite it.

You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face - Eleanor Roosevelt's Quotes
You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face – Eleanor Roosevelt’s Quotes

Confidence comes next. When you tackle your fears, you collect a portfolio of ‘wins,’ even if they’re small. These victories build your self-esteem. You start to think, “If I conquered that fear, what’s stopping me from tackling the next one?”

But here’s a word of caution. Facing your fears doesn’t mean being reckless. It’s about calculated risks. It’s about understanding the cost and deciding that the growth you’ll achieve is worth it. It’s not a free ticket to a life void of fear but a lens through which you can view and tackle life’s challenges.


  • The quote stresses the value of confronting fears to grow mentally and emotionally.
  • It argues that strength, courage, and confidence are by-products of facing our fears.
  • While courage allows us to act despite fear, confidence is built upon the victories gained from such acts.
  • The quote also warns against recklessness, advocating for calculated risk-taking.
  • Roosevelt’s wisdom is a call to embrace life’s challenges as opportunities for growth.

So, the next time you find yourself gripped by fear, remember these words. Face it, dissect it, and learn from it. You’ll walk away a stronger, more courageous, and confident individual.

About Eleanor Roosevelt 

Eleanor Roosevelt, the longest-serving First Lady of the United States, was not just a political figure but a vocal advocate for human rights and an inspirational author and speaker. Her quotes have transcended time, offering life lessons that are as applicable today as they were in her own era. 

Whether she’s speaking about facing fears, the importance of dreaming big, or the value of meaningful conversation, her words encourage us to strive for a more conscious, intentional life. Her quotes aren’t merely platitudes but actionable advice, encapsulating complex philosophies in easy-to-understand language. It’s no wonder that people still turn to Eleanor Roosevelt’s quotes for wisdom and inspiration, for they offer timeless insights into the complexities of human emotion, the challenges of life, and the aspirations we should aim for.

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