Exam Confidence: 9 Practical Ideas To Crack Exams

The Dreaded Exams! 

exam tension, exam fear, how to crack exams, best exam tips, clear exams

Who hasn’t heard of the exam jitters? The short term memory losses, the constant feeling that we don’t remember anything of what we have studied and in the rush, esp those ten mins before the exam we try to brush through the pages and feel that we remember something and feel even worse that we don’t remember a lot of things.

And the mind is so tricky that it looks at all the things that it cannot remember and give you an underlying message that you are headed for an impending doom! So much for the exams and what they demand out of you.

Although I am not very supportive of the model of an exam which makes you try and remember every little thing you have read, some places I guess it becomes a necessity. Well! No matter what the model of the exam is, the fear, the jitters and the feeling of losing confidence are all very well justified ones, the ones we have all experienced at some point of time and realized that it actually hurts the performance that helping you through it.

So.. What is the solution for such a situation? How to avoid this fear of exams? How to avoid the feeling that you are not going to reach your expected mark? How do you tackle the run of emotions at that time so that you give your best in those 3 Hrs? The thoughts below will certainly help you put your ideas into shape. (This however works only with a reasonable preparation)

If you are looking for last minute tips, here is a post which talks about Exam Fears and 8 Solid Last Minute Preparations


What is it that you are afraid of? Scoring less in exam? Getting the questions you have not studied? Thinking that you will fail? Feeling bad that you have worked so hard for this and it is not going to work? Feeling afraid that you might forget what all you have read?

No matter what these reasons are, you got to get a grip on yourselves. You should know that no matter what you are going to do now, it is not going to make a difference about the type of questions. You don’t have control over the topics you have not covered, you don’t have control over what questions appear in the exam, you don’t have control over how the evaluation is going to correct these papers.

That being the case, you need to notice that what you don’t know is very strongly affecting what you know. It is coming in the way of your performance, it is hurting your exam, it is hurting your state of mind and it does not have the right to destroy your hard work for the rest of the things.

Something you don’t know should never stand in the way of what you know! Get a grip on yourself!


One reason of the fear or of low confidence is that you are focusing on the negatives, on the things that you don’t know. Even if it is very small compared to the things that you know, somehow fear makes you feel that it is going to destroy you. In such a case, go through glimpses of your preparation.

Think of what all you have done to get here, think of the time you have spent on the subject, think of all the effort that you have gone through, think of all the emotions that you have invested on this. There is no way that all of it is going to take a backseat. It will come through, it will come for your help.

Don’t stress and push your immediate emotions to take control over the stability you have. You have done quite a lot of things and even if you don’t remember it right now at this moment, it will come back to you, leave some space for that question and move on, don’t worry about what you don’t know.


This works very well before you are entering the exam hall or before you get your papers. If you are particularly feeling low, don’t let that thought consume you.

Think  of all the achievements in your life, where you personally feel that you have done something you are proud of. It doesn’t matter what it is about, think of the times where your team won, think of the time where you excelled at an art you thought was impossible for you, think of the achievements you have made in your life.

Think of how you felt when you made those achievements, think of the emotions that led you there, stay there, keep imagining that picture in your mind in a very bright manner, imagine the sounds of laughter and claps and the crowd cheering for you.

Think of how you felt, think of the emotions, think of the feel, translate the same emotions here. The exam is not very different


The paper setters are clever, they are not going to give you a silver spoon and a platter full of delicacies. They are going to surprise you. The primary reason being that they want to know how you respond to a situation where you are not very comfortable.

They want to  see how you think and how you react to challenges, in other words they want to test your ability to handle stress. Few days ago we wrote a post on – 9 creative thoughts for a tension free life which may be slightly applicable here.

Prove them that you are not a wimp, prove that you don’t get scared that easy. If they are testing how strong you are, you better show your strongest side.

If you try to show your weakness, you are bound to lose. If you are fighting, bring on the fighting spirit of a lion, there is no point in trying to be a fox.


Most of us live in the delusion that if we get anything lower than 100%, we fail. Sometimes we even think that 99% is a failure.

I agree that you come with very high standards in life and expect the very best out of yourselves. I appreciate that. But I also appreciate the fact that your expectations are not the same as the exam’s! They both are different in a certain scale.

I am not saying that you should not look at perfection. Look at it, strive for it, give your best to achieve that goal. But don’t let a mark or two dishearten you.

It is not about those small differences in life, you got to see the bigger picture and know that there are a lot of successes between 90-100, infact more in the 90 range than the 100


Tension is a very interesting delusion. It makes you wonder about a lot of things without you realizing how much time it has eaten into. It inhibits your thinking ability and makes you wonder forget even the things that you remember.

The simplest reason for this is that you have let it affect your thinking capacity, so much of energy and emotions are being spent in catering to this tension that the brain does not have enough energy to access its memory chamber or its thinking capacity.

Respect this time more than the thoughts you have right now, they are temporary thoughts, they will be strong but you have to be stronger than that and know that they are temporary and they don’t mean anything.

They are just trying to distract you. Be reasonable, know that tension is your biggest enemy and distraction.

Here is a post which will provide you 10 tricks for absolute mastery in time management


Say that, say it out loud. This is a stupid exam, it is not a mark of who you are or what you are capable of. It is just trying to test you on a few parameters and nothing as a whole.

It’s not that big a deal. Sometimes we give it way too much of importance than it deserves.

Play it a little cool, simplify your emotional process, don’t put a lot of stress on your brain, poor thing, why do you want to make your best friend struggle for you.

Say Screw it, I am just going to do my best no matter what!


You know what! This is an exam, the whole thing is never going to come back again in your life, atleast not in the same emotion or the same set of thoughts.

If that is the case, make the best out of it instead of complaining and feeling bad about it. If you feel bad about it now, you will find reasons to keep feeling bad about things.

Forget that silly expectation and those silly superstitions. No matter what, tell yourself that you are going to enjoy it, you are going to smile at it. Not because the exam deserves it, but because you deserve it!


The exams are just a part of your life, infact a very simple and a tiny one. It is important no doubt but it is not the most important thing in the world.

5 years down the lane or infact even 5 weeks down the lane it might not be this important at all. So why are you worrying that it is a matter of life and death for you?

You are not on the death bed, this is not something which is going to obliterate you. So relax a bit and maintain yourself. You are bound to succeed.

And keep remembering this, YOU ARE THE MOST IMPORTANT THING and the rest is just consequential. So… treat it that way and I am sure it is going to go well.

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33 thoughts on “Exam Confidence: 9 Practical Ideas To Crack Exams”

    • Glad it helped Sahiti, please do let us know if you would like us to touch upon a few more topics which you think will be helpful, it will be our pleasure to make a piece on it :)

  1. Thank you Navya :). It is great to see your comment over here and I am happy to know that these posts are capable of making a small difference. It is indeed a great pleasure to read such lovely comments :)..

    And yea sometimes an exam is just an exam and it doesnt need that much of importance..

  2. Please keep us motivating by daily posts, for you may not know how much self studying guys like me really need your encouraging words. I’m sure you gonna be remembered as life changers by me and many here in coming future :-)

    • Thank you mate :).. I am happy that these posts are reaching their true purpose and are capable of making an impact. I really appreciate your comment here. I shall do my best to keep coming up with more such interesting ones :)

  3. Thank you for your words of wisdom… Its truly a life changer post for one who is struggling in some exam or so. Thank you so much. Makes me feel that Failure is just Success postponed !

      • Dear Buddy, Please keep us motivating by your daily posts, for you may not know how much self studying guys like me really need your daily dose of encouraging words.

        I’m sure you gonna be remembered as life changers by me and many here in coming future :-)

        • Thank you Mayuresh. It is indeed an honor to be placed so high on words, I’ll certainly try to do my best in this section. It is a very fulfilling experience writing here and I shall continue doing the same. I think we all make some silly mistakes knowingly or unknowingly at the exams and sometimes just being a bit aware goes a long way in making life so much simpler. Do lemme know if there are any other thoughts you’d like me to write on. Will be more than happy to :)

        • Thank you mate :).. I am happy that these posts are reaching their true purpose and are capable of making an impact. I really appreciate your comment here. I shall do my best to keep coming up with more such interesting ones :) :)

  4. Thank you Nassema :). Happy to know that this article helped :). Indeed truly a great feeling to hear such lovely words from you.

    From our end, we will keep doing our best to maintain the quality of articles and come up with more interesting ones. if there is anything on your mind youd like us to write about, kindly do let us know. We would love to share our thoughts..

  5. Say screw it, Let’s do it is my mantra for exams or presentation. One funny thing I didn’t speak much nor even moved my head much thinking what I have learnt may go out of my brain. I didn’t hear what others say. I never discussed after my papers. I focused on the next exam. Queer right? but nonetheless I liked your post. I was nodding all the way. Keep up the great work. :)

    • Thank you Datta :). He he in a way I like saying screw it, esp after I read that quote from Richard Branson :D :).

      Its a really smart way of handling things Datta, the exam discussions esp right after writing them is such a stress inducer and I remember worrying for hours even after the exam and let that influence the upcoming ones as well!

  6. These are some things which we come across, but never get as much time to throw a proper attention, which is infact much needed. And always neglected.
    And the kind of companions we get on this particular street of preparation, say our friends or batchmates, face the same, gets desparated too.. but all are so much scared, that we loose the company to discuss this all.
    But, you and who else can do it for us, at the time much needed.
    This one is really great article vinay sr.
    We say we don’t need anyone, but at every single turn of life we need somebody to guide us and to direct us.
    You are playing a guide here.. thank you.

    • Thank you Meera :). Happy to see your views about the post here :).

      Something we really love to write about is the simple everyday things of life and it fills us with so much fulfillment to know that we are able to connect on these matters :). Those are really very kind words Meera, truly indebted to them :).

  7. A brilliant post, Vinay. I always took advantage of mind limitation of holding one thought at a time. I used to convert my worry time into study time.

  8. I could totally relate to the first paragraph ! Last 10 minutes oh god ! :D Tricks played by the brain and ofcourse no one can forget those ‘OMG I DON’T REMEMBER ANYTHING, I AM GOING TO FAIL !” moments :P

    Aah and I am always fond of surprises but surprises by exams got the best of me ^__^ !

    I love it when you write we should simply enjoy the silly thing !An is an exam, the whole thing is never going to come back again in my life ! NEVER ! So that’s what I love the most about exams ;)

    Loved the post !

    • Thank you Nisa :). He he, it took me back to my engineering days where we used to stand outside the hall and glance at our text books in full speed and race to finish the book and crib with each other saying that we don’t remember a single thing from the entire text book and somehow when we were writing, the answers would magically appear :)

      He he thanks Nisa, I really liked writing this article, somehow I feel that the subject is a little close to all of us and we can related to so many of those experiences :)

  9. Awesome post Vinay. Now this is something which I was seriously looking towards you to deliver. You took some time, but did it brilliantly.

    Honestly we all have tensions from exam, some people do have fever as well, though I did not realized this fact that I never had any tensions for any of the exams or interview which I faced, though I was not a very brilliant student, I was always an average student. And honestly I don’t even had tensions in exams in which I did not read anything too :)

    Even these days also if I ever go to give any interview and did not get the chance to prepare as well, then also I don’t take tensions and give it in a very confident way.

    I will certainly find out the reasons and clubbed them as a blog :)

    • Thank you Alok. Honestly felt very proud writing this post and it did take some time for me to complete it but I am really happy that it came out so nice and its really lovely to hear such nice words from you ::)..

      I agree, I think there perhaps may not be anyone who is not bitten by the exam scare. Maybe the intensities are different but always they make sure that they are there!

      That’s truly the way to go Alok, there are a lot of ways of achieving success in life. Tensions are certainly not one among them, best way is stay clear off them and use it to the best of our advantage

  10. Ah! what a relief. You know what, I am preparing for some exams these days and all these thoughts are keep coming into my head now and then. An extremely motivating article. Wonderful Post Vinay….. :)


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