6 Tips For Hosting A Unique Charity Event

Are you uncertain about what direction to take with your upcoming fundraiser or awareness drive? As any NPO will tell you, such events can be stressful to plan, but they can also be fun! And with our super 6 tips for hosting a unique charity event, you’re sure to make a dramatic impact and effect lasting change.

6 Tips For Hosting A Unique Charity Event

Educate Yourself Before Trying To Inform Others

A large part of what you do in your nonprofit or charitable organization entails social work principles. When you invest the time and money to obtain a social work qualification, it takes your efforts so much further. 

Not only can you use those social work techniques and theories to better achieve your organization’s aims, but you’ll also speak with more authority at all your charity events. 

Instil trust in your donors by showing them you’re committed to your cause and have the credentials that count.

Tie Your Event In With A Special Day

If your cause is oriented towards a specific group, tie it in with a day already dedicated to that group. Women’s Day, for example, can be the perfect time for a charity event associated with women’s issues. 

There’s a wealth of resources to use to your charity’s best advantage. Exhibit famous quotes by famous women as the backdrop to a special women’s charity event. Pick a few to be printed on little keepsake cards and leave one on each seat as a memento that each attendee can take away with them. 

Approach a local printer shop about donating this service in exchange for publicity. This rewarding partnership can benefit you both. It’s even more impactful if their demographic matches your campaign.

For Greater Influence, Team Up With Influencers

Don’t underestimate the rise of social influencers! With so many people glued to their mobile phone screens all day long, it makes sense to tap into the world of social media. 

There are countless social media influencers out there, and you’re sure to find a few who resonate with your goals. Reach out to them and suggest a partnership. Get them to market your upcoming event on their channel, and drum up support for your organization. 

As a guest on their platform, you’ll reach many more people than you thought possible. This can be a live event on YouTube or any similar streaming video service. Such teamwork provides publicity for all parties involved, and the opportunity to direct people to your social accounts. 

Offer An Added Benefit 

What could be better than a fun outdoor charity event? Offer attendees the added benefit of health. Do you want to make a difference in people’s lives, and get your point across without the confines of a stuffy auditorium? An interactive outdoor event can be rewarding in many ways. 

Host your outdoor event at a public park, a national park, or even on a farm. Talk to people while they do some light exercise, and have a few qualified fitness instructors in attendance.

A miniature golf event, a short hiking trail, and even an aerobic exercise class are just a few top ideas. Have regular breaks where you talk more about what your organization does and what your goals are.  

Have Fun, But Don’t Lose Your Focus

It can be stressful planning the perfect charity event, especially if the pressure is on to create something unique that stands out among the rest. There are many ways to achieve this, and a themed event is a good example. 

Request that attendees wear a particular item, such as an animal motif for an animal welfare event, or a cartoon character for a children’s rights event. Have some fun with it, but don’t lose your focus

Rather than concentrate on standing out, or making money for the cause, focus on creating awareness. It’s important to be current and unique, and fundraising is the ultimate aim. But your long-term goal should be clear. Inspire others to be as passionate about your cause as you are. 

Not everyone will make a large donation right away, and that’s okay. Potential donors may need more information. Provide resources for learning more, and follow up on requests for earning materials. A simple query now could lead to a handsome donation later.

Get Creative About Raising Funds

One of the easiest ways to raise funds is to offer goods for sale, with the proceeds going to your charity. But to stand out from the crowd, you need a different angle. 

Obtain permission to host your event at a farmer’s market, or arts and crafts market. This will have two distinct benefits. Firstly, your audience will feel energized by the activity around them. Secondly, you could win over many in the market crowd when they come over to see what’s happening.

Support the local crafters or stallholders by encouraging your audience to view their products after the show. And when they do, they can purchase items with a percentage of the proceeds going to your organization. It’s good publicity for all concerned, and brings in helpful funds for your charity,

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Vinay Nagaraju

Product Director with 10+ years in leadership roles - team building, product strategy, coaching and mentoring are a part of my everyday responsibilities. I write about motivational words that inspire us and shape our thinking and help us go beyond these thoughts to find what our minds are telling us and evolve.

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