12 thoughts on “5 Simple Tips To Avoid The Feeling That You Don’t Fit In”

  1. Low self esteem is the biggest barrier of letting you feel you don’t fit in! Overcoming it will automatically build self-esteem and the confidence of having conquered. A well projected article Vinay. :)

    • True Maitreni, I personally have suffered quite a deal because of it. Not that I lacked any abilities, just that I felt that I had to be so good that I felt short each time – in other words low self esteem at times. I think at some level we need to start practicing self acceptance and even learn to toot our own horn a bit. I think it is an incredibly proud set of things we all have done in life and it is beautiful to own up to them.

    • Oh yes, that is the most helpful one, it can bring out the best in us and we can really enjoy being amongst our own where there is little fear of being judged and more comfort of enjoying the experience.

    • Thank you Jyotirmoy, I have often been the black sheep in many of these occasions and I kinda had to learn the act of survival over there. So these are mostly a compilation of those thoughts and how they have helped me.


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