5 inspiring quotes from Richard Branson

Richard Branson is one of the world’s successful business tycoon. The founder of the virgin groups, an empire 400 plus companies including airlines, credit cards, mobile phones and many more. The one among the top 10 richest men in UK struggled from dyslexia as a young boy and dropped out from studying when he was 16. His school headmaster once told him he would either end up in prison or become a millionaire. Today, we all know what he chose to be.

Here are 5 inspiring quotes from the most successful man:

Chance favours the prepared mind. The more you practice, the luckier top become – Richard Branson

Does luck always favour the wrong people? Hmm… Sometimes yes but most of the times it’s just the beginners luck. Then who does luck favour? Me? You? Or the undeserved guy? It favours the one whose preparation meets opportunities. Luck is an  influence that seems to make things when people are actually doing the thing.

You don’t learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by falling over.

What’s the best way to cook? Cooking! What’s the best way to dance? Dancing! Best way to sing? Singing! If you see the best for anything we do is actually by doing it. No chef ever cooked perfect at a go, no dancer ever danced beautiful all at once. It took days of practice, years of struggle and countless failures to become that person. Rules are just the set of guidelines but practicality is where you see your dreams coming true.

Learning by doing: 4 Tips for Skill Development in a startup

Complexity is your enemy. Any fool can make something complicated. Its hard to make something simple.

Ever wondered if you were the reason for the complexity of a problem? More often it’s you who decides the state of a problem or situation. All conversions are within. Either think of the simplest of all as the complex or complex of all as the simplest your mind sincerely obeys you.

It takes time to arrive at simple,elegant solutions

Life is a Helluva lot more fun if you say yes rather than no – Richard Branson

We have faced those times when we say no to something and realize saying yes would have brought you more surprises and fun. Think of all the opportunities, all the exposure, all the fun and happiness it brings when you are ready to face something.

Screw it. Let’s do it.  

I love this line. I love the way he says screw it. Screw all the reasons which you keep telling yourself for not doing it, screw your past, screw your negative thoughts, screw your fears, screw your false notions, screw all the thoughts that’s stopping you from being what you want to be and start doing the things which will take you to that desired place.

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12 thoughts on “5 inspiring quotes from Richard Branson”

  1. Ah! Lovely post Vinay. I really like the quote 3 – “complexity is your enemy. Any fool can make something complicated. Its hard to make something simple.”.Great line of thought.

    • Thank you Priyashi. Indeed, simplicity is the ultimate sophistication in life. The more we move away from it, the more complicated the matters get and messier the life!

      • Many years ago, when I was a kid, there used to come an advertisement in Television, Mr. Kapil Dev led the ad with words “Simplicity mein hai adbhut sakti”, I guess it was an ad of liberty shoes. To be honest, after that I used to reuse this phrase every here and there… :D. People appreciate the line of thought what I was sharing with them, sometimes they laugh at me too, saying I was too young to hold this statement. But that didnt stop me. Simplicity attracts me always. Today after reading your article , I can actually understand the power of simplicity. Another favorite quote of mine – “Simplicity is the ultimate sophistication – Leonardo da Vinci”. Thank you Vinay for sharing….. :)

  2. Liked the quote ” Screw it. Lets do it”. Once we learn to screw all the reasons that actually pulls you back, you are the winner. Nobody can even stop you from moving on then.

  3. wow…what an apt way of motivating someone. you chose the best 5 and explained it in a simply awesome way. When it comes to photography I always say that – it’s not about just clicking pictures of something that is extraordinary…but it is more about taking something ordinary and making it extraordinary….likewise you took a complex subject and showcased it in a very simple, legible way. I love the 2nd quote…..rules are only for contest…in order to get into one and win, one needs to practice. How wonderfully presented. I also loved one of the post from Vidyashree about “Someone actually fell for me…” it was a great read and made me actually think how I would have reacted and taught me exactly how to have reacted….I wanted to comment on that when it was published but don’t know why, I couldn’t…did not see any link to comment….nonetheless leaving my words for Vidyashree here.

    • Thank you Vidhya! :). All credit on this post goes to Vidyashree, she has done quite a fantastic job at it :)

      I completely agree with you, there is more in the photographers eye than the camera alone, there is so much of beauty in presentation and vision which brings out the true essence of something. I am very glad to hear that these words are bringing out some emotions that way :).

      I think there was an issue with the commenting block a few days back. We have rectified it now. Hopefully itll function properly from now on without giving any issues :)

    • Thank you Vidhya . Sorry for the late reply, happened to check this post today. “Someone actually fell for me” is one beautiful and yet a very funny experience for me. Looking forward to write more such experiences of daily life which teach us wonderful lessons. Happy to know the post was helpful to you :)

  4. “Complexity is your enemy. Any fool can make something complicated. Its hard to make something simple.” This is something which I even do believe on. It is really hard to do simple things, I try writing blogs in a simple way, though I am not yet successful to make it a success.

    Thank you Vinay for sharing such a nice post…

    • Thank you Alok :). Simplicity certainly is the ultimate sophistication of life :). Your blogs are pretty simple and elegant Alok. That is something which makes me keep coming back to your posts :). Kudos to the good work. Keep them coming :)


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