Biggest mistakes in life: It is a tall claim to talk about the biggest mistakes in life and how to treat them. Depending on the context, they can take various shapes. In this article, I’d like to focus on your personality, being true to yourself. Surely, it can’t be a comprehensive list but a great start to know how true you’re being to yourself.
This article is inspired by the quote –
While one person hesitates because he feels inferior, the other is busy making mistakes and becoming superior.
Henry C Link
Sometimes, I think that we let these feelings of perfection, accepting mistakes or feedback to take over our abilities. Perhaps it can be coined under the ego which seems to believe that we’re perfect and don’t make any mistakes. We’ve already talked about why perfection is a bad goal previously – leaning heavily on the fact that it makes you feel lousy all through the process. So, before going deep into this article, I’d like you to question yourself how big a role perfection plays in your life. Most importantly, does it deserve this role?
In this context, I’d like to present the 5 biggest mistakes in life as
Biggest mistakes in life Meaning
What are the biggest mistakes in life? If I look back at my experiences so far, I can remember a fair few around emotions, broken friendships and some hard failures which could’ve been prevented. But, do these qualify as the biggest mistakes in life or is it more personal?
All our experiences are based on our values at that point in time and how well we’ve behaved towards them. Sometimes, we’ve followed these standards while some other times we’ve failed. The times that hurt the most are when we don’t stand up to our standards which neatly qualifies under the bracket of the biggest mistakes in life. These biggest mistakes in life are not based on someone else’s evaluation of you. Instead, these are about how you value your life, what you want to be and feel. If there’s a gap between your aspirations and current life, then asking the right question of – what are you doing about it?

These biggest mistakes in life qualify the wider bracket of being bold and living your life to the way you define it to be rather than it being a design of either your peers or family or even the culture.
Defining your life’s standards and values
Everything about you is internal. This internal personality of yours has a few standards, values and aspirations. Start from this introspection which can understand the type of person you represent. This person has values about being bold, strong and emotional, etc. All these values are highly personal and defined, sometimes we just don’t take enough time to define them properly.
The more you know about yourself, you’re better placed to balance your life accordingly and avoid the biggest mistakes in life.
Getting over your insecurities
This is one of the most prominent mistakes that most people don’t face. None of us likes our ego being hurt, but that’s the only way we can grow. If we stick to our ego, it makes us vulnerable because this ego prevents any further growth of humility. I’m not saying that we should abandon this ego – it is indeed a beautiful part of you. But you’ll need to ask the question – is this helping me or not. If the answer is no, then it is easily lining up to be one of your biggest mistakes.
If this insecurity or hurt to your ego is missing the big picture and majoring only on minor things, ask yourself – what use is this giving me? If not, find a way to break this habit.
Letting fears rule your aspirations
We all have beautiful aspirations and dreams. These help us define our personalities. Naturally, with these dreams, we have failures and challenges. Can our aspirations be defined or ruled by these fears? Fears serve the purpose of caution. But sometimes, you’ll have to do things beyond these fears. You’ll need to overcome these fears and fight for what’s rightfully yours – the ability to dream and think big. Fears leave some scars and so do failures. But you’ll have to dig deeper to understand your dreams.
You’ve got to be bigger than your fears
Not being true to yourself
As a part of a society, culture and environment, we all conform to standard rules of behaviour. What if these impose limitations on you and hinder your growth. Are you being true by not standing up for yourself or fighting for what you believe in?
Surely our elders have taught us to be quiet and not disrespectful to others. But is it ok to disrespect your own emotions, values and standards in life? If these are being hurt on a regular basis and you don’t stand up for yourself- what message are you sending to your emotions? – To snub your real and honest thoughts and conform?
And if you’re doing that, won’t that qualify as a mistake that limits your life’s abilities?
Trusting Yourself
This sums it all for me – the trust you have in yourself about the ability to grow beyond limitations and challenges. For a life that needs to be bold, there will be numerous oppositions and challenges. You’ve got to face them head-on and not lose yourself in the process. Trust in yourself and the values you bring to this world. They are very special.
You can’t afford to lose yourself in the process of trying to be something that you don’t believe in. Every emotion you have is immensely valuable. Live up to these because they will guide you in the right direction. It might be hard but a true direction for what your life needs to be.
These sum up my thoughts on the biggest mistakes in life. I’m sure that the list can be ever-growing, but I’d like to start and stop the article with you and your personal definitions of life. Everything else is secondary.
While one person hesitates because he feels inferior, the other is busy making mistakes and becoming superior.
Henry C Link (Source)
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One of the best quotes I read this month. Thanks Vinay
Thank you Amit. I am glad you liked it, I think it is one of the best ones I have read too, so simple and yet so elegant!
Great post. I shared this with some of my friends and they liked it too. (some) Very meaningful lines.
Thank you Vishal. I have always advocated making mistakes not just cos they are taking us somewhere but the amount of growth and results they put us into is splendid to say the least..
Awesome awesome and awesome.Wish u to meet my mentor after my success and wish to tell people that how wonderfully mentor writes.hats off
Thank you Bindu :). It will be my pleasure to meet you and I am sure you will do great in the exams. It sure is an honor to read these words and I’d love to meet
Your posts always reflect life and, practical approaches of learning from it…. :-)
“Good decisions come from experience and experience comes from bad decisions”- much like the trial and error method but definitely the way to be perfect. There is no other shortcut unless one is a genius… :-)
He he thank you Maniparna. I think you are the first one to decipher my writing style and a generalization to it. And I’m really proud that you captioned it in such a perfect way. It was kinda what I was going for as well :).. Mission accomplished.
He he, isn’t that true? I mean we have all made those mistakes so many times and only then we realized that these were called mistakes cos they make no sense to our lives and then we find ways to learn from them or make our lives better which in a way serves our true purpose of life. Coming to think of it, it is a fairly well rounded experience isn’t it :)
Incredible article.!!!!Each and every sentence of the article is a hidden truth in itself.Thanks for such a wonderful motivating article.
Thank you Adarssh. Personally I liked this one and the one yesterday. I guess these two are the best posts we have come up with in the last ten days and I am very happy with the way it is getting received. And the quote is a brilliant one to say the least..
it is really awesome article…..
very very thanks sir for your valuable contribution….
Thank you Rakesh. I am glad that you liked the post. I am really liking the posts from the last two days. I get a feeling that I am able to connect stronger to the real issues through these posts. Hopefully will come up with more such interesting ones even more regularly..
TRY,TRY & TRY BUT DON’T CRY,be happy. everyone is here a sinner in some or the other way so don’t bother about mistakes,just rectify it and achieve the desired results.
excellent view brother
Thanks Rakesh. I am completely with you on this one.
Try and try but don’t cry. He he :D . I really like the coinage Suraj :). I agree mate, everyone here is a sinner and we all sin in our own ways. It definietely makes no sense worrying about the mistake, we need results and we need to find ways to get what we want. Or else, it is just our loss!
Regarding the article: I have rarely encountered a more pure crock of bullshit than this article represents. Did Einstein strive for mediocrity? What did Marie Curie [double-Nobel Prize Winner] strive for – Mediocrity?
I would like to understand what you find a crock here ? I appreciate you’re trying to evoke a response, but at the same time I’d like to make the conversation constructive rather than just throwing muck! So I’d very much like to know what’s your line of thought. Of course none of the achievements strived for mediocrity but what’s the point you’re trying to make and what are you actually against here ?