5 Benefits Of Joining The Best Small Business Marketing Groups On Facebook

This post is a kind contribution from Sarah.

It’s hard enough to learn business marketing and implement those learnings without having to do it alone. Although some people are content with taking online courses and looking at course reviews about promoting their new business, others may feel more comfortable if they have a support group of some sorts.

If joining a small business marketing group on Facebook sounds like something you’d like to do, then you might be interested in knowing the following benefits that you may gain from it:

1.Be part of a community

The first benefit of joining or forming a Facebook group about business marketing is that you get a chance to increase your knowledge and gain new skills by interacting with people within that same niche. The mere fact that you’re part of a group can also impart a sense of belonging, which will come in handy when you’re feeling overwhelmed by the challenges of marketing your new business.

2.Ask questions without fear of being judged

You may have felt shy to ask relevant questions with fear of being labeled or judged. The good thing about joining a community is that you don’t have to worry about that kind of issue. The people in that group won’t judge you for two reasons:

  • They’re also wondering about the same thing
  • They might want to take the opportunity to educate everyone in the group that wants to learn about the same thing
  • They’ve been in your shoes and are now more than happy to help you out

So whether it’s about search engine optimization or even managing finances, go ahead and raise your questions.

3.Find your mentor

Facebook groups have that tendency to bring people of different generations, nationalities, and experiences together, so chances are you’ll meet someone who’d want to coach you through the process of business marketing. A coach or mentor would be a good guide on helping you with your business marketing.

Having a mentor is great because you’ll have someone to guide you through your promotional strategies, public relations plans, sales objectives, and advertising partnerships. But more than that, you can also have someone guide you through the aspects of running a business that not everyone talks about. That includes the following:

  • How to persuade a potential client without sounding too desperate
  • How to handle conflict within the organization
  • How to choose the right employee for a post
  • How to build lasting professional relationships

4.Build partnerships.

Another opportunity that you can get when joining a group is to meet new people who more or less live and operate within the same field. That means that there could be a lot of potential partnerships, which is why you shouldn’t be shy to mingle. Take initiative and reach out to people by asking them about the following:

  • The nature of their business
  • Who or what introduced them to business marketing
  • The relevant classes they’re taking, if any
  • The promotional strategies they’re applying to their business, and how it’s working out

Once you’ve started to build rapport with people, you could float partnership ideas around that could be mutually beneficial. Partnering with other small businesses that are somehow related to yours will not only widen your audience reach, but can also increase your visibility for sponsorships and other advantageous deals. 

5.Meet potential colleagues. 

The idea that you might meet someone in that kind of Facebook group who will become your personal friend isn’t too far-fetched, considering that you’re part of the same group to begin with because you share some interests. Being in social media allows you to capitalize on the social aspect of online interaction.

When you do get to become friends with someone, it isn’t too impossible for you guys to start a business together. Bill Gates and Paul Allen did it; so did Steve Jobs and Steve Wozniak. The secret to those friendships and how they survived being in business together is their passion for the same things and their drive for entrepreneurial success.


As these benefits point out, you’re likely to gain more than you’ll lose when you join a business marketing group on Facebook. However, before joining a group, remember to stick to a code of manners. Whatever you say online will most probably live there forever, so realize the weight of your words first before saying anything, especially if it’s out of a negative emotion. The worst thing that can happen is that your five-worded comment will be a negative reflection of your image and, consequently, your business.

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