4 Ways To Make Office Cubicle Less Depressing

Make Office Cubicle Less Depressing

How to make office cubicle look less depressing, office cubicle, office setting, inspirational officeThis post is dedicated as a follow up to a similar question in Quora – How to make office cubicle less depressing. In this fast paced life, we all have had to shift places; be it homes, hostel rooms or even class rooms and benches. It doesn’t feel quite nice to be leaving something that belonged to us and move on, more so to be moving to an alien looking place from our old warm ones. Remember how empty the house was when you first moved in, how the hostel room looked like a cell when you first arrived?

Being in the 21st century, we’d be very wrong to exclude office cubicles from this list!

We all change jobs so often that it’s almost impossible to settle down in your cubicle and think ‘that’s it, this is where I work from the rest of my life.’ The sense of belonging is harder to come when we know it won’t be for long that we’ll be staying there. Given that, we all have our peculiar little ways to feel at home at our cubicle. Some want no nonsense! Some carry all their itsy bitsy stuff to every office they move and try to create familiarity. Ultimately, it’s what works for us to feel good about it. After all, that’s where we work and we spend more than 8 hours of our day. It often gets dull with monotony since all the cubicles in the office look exactly the same, give or take a few different colours or sizes. Here are a few tips to make that place a little more ‘you’ and a lot less dull.

Make Office Cubicle Less Depressing: Colour!

Add some colour to the place. Colours have a brilliant effect in a monochromic setting. A little bit of contrast from the rest of your office makes a lot of difference. You need not paint your cubicle! You get wall papers. Have it cut to the length and breadth of your cubicle notice board and have it pinned to it. It could be the colour you most associate yourself with. If you ask me, A dark gray, brown or midnight blue won’t be jarring but be bright at the same time. Gives you that contrast you wanted. Especially highlights post it notes!

Make Office Cubicle Less Depressing: Order!

ordering things in office, keeping a clean desk, office space cleanliness, Make Office Cubicle Less DepressingIm sure your desk has a million things scattered around it. Well if you don’t have that many, bring em! Don’t you keep running to that someone’s desk all the time because you don’t stock up on stationary?? ;) having your own stash of supplies is never a bad thing! And organise them in your own way. Use the entire desk, it’s all yours. And research has it that a well organised desk increases work efficiency.

Make Office Cubicle Less Depressing: Accessorise!

Of course, now that you have so many things don’t you want to place them in specific containers? I’m sure you need a pen stand. And clips and pin holder? You could have a coulor scheme matching your wall paper for all the accessories too. There is nothing sissy about being well organised and putting things in their place. Accessories just lets you do it with some class and style!

Make Office Cubicle Less Depressing: Personalise!

Adding a bit of your memories on to the board definitely goes a long way. A few pictures and souvenirs pinned to the notice board will brighten both the board and your mood whenever you look at it. It could be a little picture of your family, friends or even your pet. If you do not like to put personal pictures, there are always pictures from team outings from office or previous job too. Show off your hobbies! Sketches, paintings, origami, or anything that can be pinned up, it’ll definitely give you that mood lift when you’re bored of work and look up the screen for a distraction. Remember how people go up to others cubicle all the time and chat up, notice boards often are brilliant conversation starters. :). You will find this in line with our previous post – 10 Helpful Tips to make friends at work place

There are a million ways to create your own little bubble until you next move and start all over again. The key is to keep up the spirit and be motivated to feel good about the new place, a hundred times over. We work ultimately for our living, it’s only up to us if we want to be happy about it. Having a happy cubicle is only a part of it, but it can definitely make a difference. Human associations with spaces is deeper than we acknowledge! :)

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5 thoughts on “4 Ways To Make Office Cubicle Less Depressing”

  1. Thank you so much for such amazing things to sharing!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! since am a fresher recently started my career in work
    Make Office Cubicle Less Depressing gives me a more confident & idea to executive the things and make my place more comfortable….

    • Thank you for the kind words Pooja. Happy that you find these tips useful. I think there are plenty such small things which can highly elevate the quality of our emotions at work. When I started too, I found it really boring to be in an empty cubicle – all of them with the same dull colour. So we have to do these small things to make it more exciting and energising to be in the cubicles.


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