4 Non-Traditional Ways to Increase Employee Productivity

Finding workplace balance can be a challenge at times. You want productivity and effectiveness for your employees. Happy and fulfilled employees will increase business revenue, so you experience significant growth and ensure you remain competitive. 

Your goals can be achieved only when developing a productive workplace. Managing a group of people can be a challenge when you lack the right communication skills. You can sign up for online classes and learn about inspiring and motivating your employees.

Your workplace can become a tight and supportive community if you offer the right resources. Your employees should feel comfortable and focused during work hours. If you want to ensure that your work environment nurtures productivity, the following points might be helpful.

Increase Employee Productivity
Increase Employee Productivity

1. Create a Community by Encouraging Collaboration

Working in a team can be a wonderful experience when there is space for acknowledging one’s emotions. Tight deadlines and lengthy exposure to pressure can lead to breakdowns and frustration. If you understand that a team member faces a difficulty, offering your support will diffuse the situation and open pathways for communication.  

2. Set Individual and Collective Goals

It is essential to give clear instructions about how to achieve specific goals in your team. Taking time to get to know your employees’ strengths and weaknesses will allow you to understand their value in the team. After assessing each person’s qualities, you can assign roles that fit them best.

Implementing diversity in the workplace will bring you a variety of possibilities. You can create an accepting and supportive environment by offering promotion and development opportunities. Making a personalized plan for each team member will help maintain competitiveness, motivating your employees to do their best.

3. Design a Communal Break Room

Allocating space to encourage communication can be a great addition to the office. Spending even a small amount of time sipping coffee and exchanging ideas can stimulate creativity. 

You can find a unique method that fits your employee’s needs best. Allowing a community to develop in a friendly space is vital. Adding color and personality to a communal break room can lighten the mood. 

Furthermore, you can offer snacks and drinks, so your employees can enjoy a healthy meal during lunch break. Socialization is important in a group because it can build trust and accountability. 

4. Minimize Distractions

You must ensure that your employees are motivated to do their work. Even though getting to know co-workers might be fun, your employees must understand they have a duty to complete their work tasks. Constant disruption during work hours will affect productivity. While comfort is important in a workplace, it should not affect productivity negatively. 
Loud music, colorful lights, or other types of decorations distract your employees’ attention from their work. When focus is broken, it can take up to 23 minutes to fully restore it. It is best practice to have a general schedule and some rules to ensure you minimize further distractions.

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