September 2015

The Best Advice Tony Ever Received

Tony Robbins has been a great source of motivation for us. The way I would like to call Tony Robbins is as the “fastest motivator.” He is someone who would awaken your senses and get them in action. Oh yeah! He does speak very fast, but it is absolutely worth listening to him. I always wondered […]

9 Tips/Techniques To Stop Feeling Socially Awkward

Socially Awkward: Have you ever had this feeling – the feeling that you don’t belong somewhere and people seem to be in a completely different pace than you are and you feel like getting away from there as soon as possible. Have you ever constantly felt that you are being singled out and forced at

communication skills, inspire99 life skills, life hacks, social skills, stop feeling socially awkward

Hard Work Vs Luck – Whose Side Are You On?

I came across a very interesting question on Indispire today – what is the secret of your success? Hard Work Vs Luck? Then we thought, why not collate ideas on this and go on with our usual debate style to identify our own rationalisations, shortcomings and the ideas that actually hold us back than push

How Do You Rate Your Success On A Rate Of 1 To 10?!

Rate your success! It is an interesting question to ask isn’t it? Rate your success? – A little weird too, I mean come on! How can I rate my success? If I say 10, people will think that I am too cocky and arrogant. Meanwhile if I say 5-6, people might think I am an

PM Message To Students On Teachers Day – 5 Inspiring Messages

I was watching the PM interaction with students on the student day eve and was pleased to find a few very sensible and inspiring excerpts from the interaction. I like the initiative and what it is doing and the opportunity for the students to speak and gain advice from one of the most inspiring leaders

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