May 2014

There is always someone to tell you that you are wrong. people keep telling me that i am wrong. people keep pointing my mistakes, ralph waldo emerson quotes on people, success and failure in life,

There is always someone to tell you that you are wrong!

A perfect world would be one where I would do anything I want, everyone around me cheering about every little thing I do, people surrounded feeding us with inspiration and the energy we need to achieve our goals, all the resources working in our favour, there would not be a single naysayer around. Life would […]

If nobody can stop them, can we be that NOBODY?

A couple of days ago I was at a historical monument with my friends. We were a little unhappy as we aren’t allowed to take pictures. Appreciating the art we often gasped “Awwh beautiful! I wish they let cameras inside.”  As we walked ahead our eyes caught the flash. That was surprising… “Isn’t Photography prohibited!?!” We were disturbed to see

Let others be right most of the time!

I was reading this book – Don’t sweat the small stuff, rated one of the top self improvement books of all time across all sources around and there are some real nice fragments which caught my eye. I have always been a huge fan of communication and the impact it has on other people. We

I intend to do it, but….

“Oooh I really wanted to do that, I had so much of capacities and I could have done it so easily but alas…. “ Ever heard of these statements? I remember giving these reasons to myself constantly trying to rationalize as to what all things I could do. Surprisingly enough all these reasons were extremely

Why do we do what we do?

I am sure we all are fed up of people trying to motivate us, trying to make us do the things we don’t really like to and sometimes even go to the extent of the thought to shun these ‘motivational speakers’. But something I find amazing is the simplicity in which everything lies, the most

A life spent on making mistakes

I always prided myself with the idea of trying to be a perfectionist, never making any mistakes, trying to live an ideal life with no fingers pointed at me. It all sounded so beautiful, I mean who wouldn’t love a life without mistakes, without any challenges and everything working so smooth in our favor? Well

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