April 2014

Sometimes all we need is a slight push

Lets start by reminding you the days when you are tired and your mind says “Noooooo” to work, I was experiencing one such day. Somehow I felt very tired which was a little strange as I was totally fine in the morning! Thought I would sleep a bit before getting to work and before I […]

what do you do when people disrespect you?

People are perhaps the most inspiring and the most annoying parts of the society. I never seem to come to an unequivocal stand there. Sometimes I feel they are the best in the world, with the innocence, the amazing smiles, the camaraderie. Almost very instantly I find myself debating the negatives like the selfishness, the

what if things are uncertain?

Uncertain? Really? Well, sometimes I feel math is so much simpler and easier, it also probably is cos I really like math. But things were so simple there, the outcome was always a known one. I mean 1+1 was always 2, there was never an aberration, nothing ever changed. It was a certain outcome. Fortunately

what holds you back

Have you been in a place where someone asked you to do something and you denied saying that it is not what you think you are? Have you felt that it was below your demeanour to go out to do it and someone else should take care of it? And WHY is that? Is it

how to converse?

Communication, exchange, thought ideas…. Where would we be without all of them? But everything has a start? And the question is how do we initiate a conversation. Here are a set of ideas that may help. What is the purpose of the conversation : Identify what you are trying to achieve through the conversation, whether

how to converse, how to communicate, talking to people, what to talk to people

Charlie Chaplin: Troubles are temporary

I love this quote, Nothing is permanent in this world. I think it is a very challenging concept to agree upon. There certainly are somethings which are permanent and a lot which are definitely not. Neither our fears, nor our strengths, passions, disappointments, challenges, so on and so forth. But why is it that it

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