6 Powerful Ambedkar Quotes to Inspire Us on Ambedkar Jayanti

Ambedkar Quotes: This article is a collection of powerful quotes by B.R. Ambedkar. The story of Ambedkar is inspirational, to say the least, but we know him mostly for his contributions to the constitution of India. One of the most fascinating things is that we continue to use it even to this day which justifies his remembrance on Ambedkar Jayanti. His stories talk about hardship, fighting for his rights, living up to human rights and drafting our constitution. There are many personality traits that we take inspiration from and celebrate his birthday. We celebrate Ambedkar Jayanti not only to remember his birthday but to promote social equality and respect for all individuals.

In this article, we discuss a few quotes from Dr. B.R. Ambedkar. Let us continue to derive his inspirational power through these celebratory days and make our world a much more beautiful place.

Ambedkar Quotes

Quotes from Bhimrao Ambedkar are popular because they tell the story of a person who fought against all odds to make a landmark move for the country. This contribution surpasses borders, castes and discrimination. Most importantly it is one of the best underdog stories of someone facing all odds such as ostracisation, discrimination, poverty – everything compounded.

Yet, he goes out to make a mark for himself against all these odds. With his education, he takes on the role of being the father of the Indian constitution – the one that’s used to even this day. His quotes send a powerful sense of solidarity and the fighting spirit that comes across in the discussions below.

Life should be great rather than long – Ambedkar Quotes

Let’s start with his most famous quote – these words are about life, its quality, depth and value over longevity. I’m certain that we all like a long life, but what we do with this life is a lot more important than just its timeline. Our lives are a great gift – not only for us but for the society that we belong.

Now, we can decide to use this gift however we want. I won’t do the cardinal sin of telling you how we should live this life. But we ought to recognise that this gift hasn’t come easily. As Richard Feynman points out – our existence in this world is one of those freak accidents that are hugely complex and we can’t fathom how incredibly rare it is.

Life should be great rather than long - Powerful Ambedkar Quotes
Life should be great rather than long – Ambedkar Quotes

And a rare event like that can’t be frittered away or tucked away to hide. Our life is a gift to explore – it should be great rather than long. Ambedkar has left us so many things to live for, his life story, the fights and a symbol of equality that we can extend to this world with love and care. Or we can create notable differences. This world will always need us to improve, make changes and help each other. And that’s the beauty of this quote – Life should be great rather than long.

A long life on its own can mean nothing if it is not connected to the people around us. Let’s find those ways, put some effort and make bold decisions – life will find a way of connecting all these things – one step at a time. Our greatness is not in one grand gesture but in multiple small acts of kindness and strength.

So long as you do not achieve social liberty, whatever freedom is provided by the law is of no avail to you

This quote makes a compelling point about why Ambedkar Jayanti is about social and political justice. It has always been beyond his birthday because of the associated symbolism of equality. The underpinning factor of this quote is that we treat humans as humans. And that’s the bottom line – our sense of superiority or power is just about our egos. All humans are created equal – we might have different strengths, but the moment we think we are better than someone else, we’re running the chance of social liberty and equality.

So long as you do not achieve social liberty, whatever freedom is provided by the law is of no avail to you

Social liberty tells us that it is beyond cultural or social restrictions. It extends to political, economic, financial – and all other liberties that enable us to function in this world. The challenge with some of these quotes is that we can interpret them the way we want. Unfortunately, some people do that for their specific advantages. If we look closely into these quotes, they are about humanity, kindness and treating each other with respect. This world is to share, care and live with each other. This is the message of equality and the image which Ambedkar stands for – unless we provide this social liberty to everyone, we are failing together as a nation and the world.

Cultivation of the mind should be the ultimate aim of human existence – Quotes by Ambedkar

Our minds are amazing – they are capable of thinking up the most innovative things or the most destructive ones. It all comes down to what influences this mind and how well we use it. Ambedkar’s quote here talks about expanding the mind beyond our restrictions and limitations. It involves going beyond our current understanding, challenging ourselves and thinking what we need to do. There is no growth without challenges or difficulties. Cultivation of the mind comes with similar challenges, it has an inherent demand for us to be uncomfortable.

Cultivation of the mind should be the ultimate aim of human existence - Ambedkar inspirational quotes
Cultivation of the mind should be the ultimate aim of human existence.. Ambedkar Quotes.

Cultivation of the mind should be the ultimate aim because it helps us become more open and welcoming to others. People from different backgrounds have other stories, things we can learn from. A little curiosity, a lot of patience and kindness can help us grow – not just as individuals but as a group and perhaps dare I say a nation.

Cultivation of the mind should be the ultimate aim of human existence


I like the religion that teaches liberty, equality and fraternity

What is religion? It is a beautiful thing if it can bring together, but a horrible one if it can separate. If we need to understand the value of things, we must go back to their origins and figure out how they manifest in today’s world. Everything has faults – so do the old scriptures. The best thing we can do is to take the nicest things from them – the ones which teach us liberty, equality and fraternity. Most importantly, the purpose of religion is to give us love – to share and create a beautiful world around us.

I like the religion that teaches liberty, equality and fraternity - Ambedkar Quotes
I like the religion that teaches liberty, equality and fraternity

This quote by Ambedkar on religion makes this precise point – religion is not about fighting for differences. It is about thinking of the commonalities for a brotherhood or fraternity that helps us grow together. People who use religion as a separator usually have an agenda and a personal gain. This unfortunately is political in many cases. If we look deeper, we can spot these frauds because they want something else. Unless it is liberty or equality, what is the purpose of this religion – it can’t be to separate one another right?

I like the religion that teaches liberty, equality and fraternity


Men are mortal, and So are ideas, An idea needs propagation as much as a plant needs watering

Things die – people die. Everything dies without nurture and care. The nurture of ideas is by spreading them out – talking to different people about it. And while doing so, these ideas adapt, change and improve to serve the people. Ideas are useless on their own. When we implement these ideas, they take a different shape. Just like a plant needs watering, these ideas need nurture.

Men are mortal. So are ideas. An idea needs propagation as much as a plant needs watering. Otherwise, both will wither and die -Ambedkar Motivation
Men are mortal, and So are ideas. An idea needs propagation as much as a plant needs watering. Otherwise, both will wither and die

Let’s not hold these to ourselves and kill them. Instead, there is a joy in spreading a good idea, let it flourish and grow. Sometimes, the beauty of an idea is in seeing it grow and expand. It need not give us a material benefit or glory – but if it does something good – then the idea has served its purpose. Maybe we give too much importance to the creation rather than implementation.

Men are mortal, So are ideas. An idea needs propagation as much as a plant needs watering. Otherwise, both will wither and die

-B. R. Ambedkar

The Duty must be performed, let the Efforts be successful or not, let the work be Appreciated or not

I love this quote by Ambedkar – it fills me with not only inspiration but also a resolve to focus. It is difficult to stay on the course of our passion and continue working. How to keep constantly motivated and focused is a key question for us to answer.

The Duty must be performed, let the Efforts be successful or not, let the work be Appreciated or not – Ambedkar Inspirational Quotes
The Duty must be performed, let the Efforts be successful or not, let the work be Appreciated or not – Ambedkar Inspirational Quotes

But the truth is – whatever we believe in – the duty must be performed as highlighted in these Ambedkar inspirational quotes. We can’t run away from these duties because they prove to be difficult. We don’t have a choice but to keep working. Maybe we can find a clever way, but the duty needs to be completed.

Religion must mainly be a matter of principles only. It cannot be a matter of rules

Religion cannot be scripture and rules. It has to evolve and provide us with a direction to move in. If we are looking at a religious tenet written hundreds of years ago – we cannot live in the past. Rules grow as much as people do and they all have to be driven by a constructive reason. If not, religion very quickly starts losing its meaning and purpose.

Religion must mainly be a matter of principles only, it cannot be a matter of rules. The moment it degenerates into rules, it ceases to be a religion, as it kills responsibility which is an essence of the true religions act - Ambedkar Motivational Quotes
Religion must mainly be a matter of principles only, it cannot be a matter of rules. The moment it degenerates into rules, it ceases to be a religion, as it kills responsibility which is an essence of the true religions act

Knowingly or unknowingly we all have our value counters filled up and we react to them inadvertently. So should be religion. It cannot be about rules or the matters of worship and the way it is done. It is more about the matter of principles, the reason behind religion and the very purpose of it.

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59 thoughts on “6 Powerful Ambedkar Quotes to Inspire Us on Ambedkar Jayanti”

  1. Hi, Vinay …this is Vinod Wankhede from Pune… I am happy to read & see that you have added my suggestion…the more you read about Dr.BR Ambedkar the more you tend to know about him…if i am not mistaking he was experts in 64 subjects …he has been greatest intectual of India…symbol of knowledge of world … but facts that his works has been kept limited to certain group or community…We the People of india must recognized and appreciate his work to country …he deserve more what he has been today…I salute him……connect me if you can I would like to talk to you… You deserve a praise …great & thanks for making me happy.

    • Hi Vinod, thank you. It is very nice to hear from you. A pleasure to inculcate more to this post and make it richer for someone who is so passionate about it. If there is anything you would like to go on this as a part of this post or a comment, etc – please let me know. It will be a delight to add an addendum from someone so passionate. It will be a pleasure to talk to you.

      I can be best reached on my Linked in or on Quora if you would like to connect. Looking forward to conversing further.

      • Even after so many years dalit crowd is not even 50% educated which was the dream of parampujya Babasaheb and is a necessity. So i salute him for his great thoughts and wish our generation will continue his work by some or other way and try to fulfill his dream of great nation.

        • His work was exemplary Prashant. I think he brought the idea of inclusivity to reality and we can’t thank him enough for that effort. Although there is always more to do, I sometimes wonder if our leaders took his ideas and inspirations to the next level. At times, I feel pained that there has been minimal effort to grow from where we were 50 years ago to improve the condition of people in our nation.

  2. Because of his oceanic knowledge in today’s era, he is world number one intelligent personality..

    Jai Bhim..

  3. Good job Vinay .. This is real need of society to know about the great man and their thoughts, actually number of people dont know his contribution in growth of india and this one is gud start.. 👍👍👍

    • Thank you Shubhangi. I am mesmerised each time I read the power of these words, they have so much of power and sensibility in them. I am pleased to hear these comments from you, it is an absolute pleasure to write about this man

  4. Firstly, big salute to our Father. For all things giving …which cannot define by word …my father had given max contributions for india…not only india but also whole world ….but what india or gov had given to him…only just celebrating his jayantior birthday ….
    Our government & not only government should spread their ideology of governs and but also to make use of them..please respect this great soul .also there is nothing in ancient manmade god mythology.this are only the mean of fill their pockets
    …..vinay for sharing this post…thanku vinay
    …jai bhim….form Bottom of my heart….

  5. Firstly, big salute to our Father. For all things giving …which cannot define by word …my father had given max contributions for india…not only india but also whole world ….but what india or gov had given to him…only just celebrating his jayantior birthday ….
    Our government & not only government should spread their ideology of governs and but also to make use of them..please respect this great soul .also there is nothing in ancient manmade god mythology.this are only the mean of fill their pockets
    …..vinay for sharing this post…thanku vinay
    …jai bhim….form Bottom of my heart….

    • True Dikshant, these people have done some amazing things for the country. Reading through Ambedkar’s personal journey through life was an immense amount of motivation in my school days. I think there is a lot of motivation we derive from this man and he is the one person responsible for the constitution on which the entire country depends.

      Dikhsant, I was thinking since you are a big fan of this man, maybe we could increase our homage by writing more about his achievements. Would you like to make a compilation of the same if you like? I would love to post more about him so that our readers know more about the man, more than just a few quotes and statues out there.

  6. My only wish from the bottom of my heart….
    Whether our country give him this title or not but for me he is THE FATHER OF MODERN INDIA…

    • He truly deserves that. I had an opportunity to read a part of Indian polity which made me realise that there are so many nuances and delicate things that need to be taken to actually craft a constitution. What he did is truly an amazing feat indeed.

  7. I fogoet myself one’s in my life but never forget Dr. B.R.Ambedkar…no more words to discrib his talent.

  8. I fogoet myself one’s in my but never forget Dr. B.R.Ambedkar….no more words to discrib his talent.

  9. I was very happy to see that there are at least some people who realize the importance of life of Dr.Babasaheb Ambedkar….The incredible man with incredible work

  10. Hi Vinay, We can add one more time Proven excellent Quotes from Dr.BR Ambedkar….”The Duty must be perfomed,let the Efforts be successful or not,let the work be Appreciated or not. When a man’s Sincerity of purpose and Capacity are proved even his enemies come to respect him” ……. It has been a thought provoking quotes from him…when someone would try to mean it they would not until they know & understood him. His Greatness has been tried to hide & not to publish publicly …I see a great conspiracy of some well wisher of him…isn’t it ????

    • There maybe a lot of truth to it Vinod. It all feels like a marketing initiative, people, with specific sects and groups seem to form their own heroes. I believe there are heroes beyond the groupism to be valued for the quality of work they delivered and the impact they created on other’s lives. None of our lives would have ever been this way if not for Ambedkar, it is amazing how much the quality of lives have improved allowing us to function together as a nation. True kudos for such an amazing personality.

  11. Hi Vinay, You seem to be a person who studied Dr.B.R.Ambedkar ….!!! He had been the ocean of knowedege which he devoted for Indian without caring his sons & wife … if we study him we get way how to live life even in adverse situation ….such a insperational human being ! It will take time for people to understnad him & his contribution not only indian but the world who worship his thoughts … how many of us know RBI has been set up based on his book…. ” Problem of Ruppee “.. how many of us know he is the arcitect of workers laws ..? how many of us know he is designer of Indian Flag ? how many of us know the life we every indian indivisual live today ..our rights/authority/responsibilities/moral has been protected & repected through his thought only…!!! Colombia University declared him symbol of knowledege & greatest person of top 100 talent personalities of world….!!! we have such a insperiational icon …my request to all the reader try to know more about him then you can make your own views & thoughts about him. i respect him a lot …. thanks Vinay for posting his quotes

    • Hi Vinod, your input is thoroughly appreciated. I have loved reading about Ambedkar every bit I can, but I would have loved to know more. You have given us nuggets of information which we have missed and our readers will be very thankful for this comment. It enriches this discussion to have such constructive comments which add so much value

    • Interesting thought Nitin. Although I do believe that it is not a manner of comparison, but cent to cent, I think I have a lot more reasons to side towards Gandhi, the challenges, the grit of personality were way different I believe and no wonder he is the father of our nation!

    • There is no comparison between Baba Sahab and Mr Gandhi. Baba Sahab was constructing mind and the top scholar in the world and Gandhi was 3rd division, racist, rapist and best hypocrite. Best wishes

      • Hi Ajay, I don’t think I agree to this comment. Gandhi and Ambedkar were giants in their own rights. They fought for different reasons. Although I admit that we all have different favourites based on our own personalities, it would be wrong to condemn Gandhi for his efforts. I don’t think it would be fair to castaway a hero like Gandhi and accuse of hypocrisy for such a giant. History is full of opinions, we would like to focus on what we can learn from both of them and how this can impact our lives.

    • Thank you Maniparna. It is quite amazing that we still live by a lot things which he did about 60 odd years ago.. Cheers to him.. And his personal life is truly an inspiration to say the least :)

    • Right Maniparna. . .we should not forgot the contribution of baba saheb. He save the humanity social discrimination of depressed classes is still there but with the law n regulations laid down in constitution are awsm remedies. . .we salute the great peraonality.

  12. While his quotes on religion is about oneness, I am not a great advocate of this thoughts. Primarily because at least in Maharashtra he kind of strengthen the divide between the different classes of people. again a personal view

    • I think the divide was created and developed further to feed the political aspirations of the so called leaders. As for his ideas I think they were broadly defined based on his experiences and knowledge. The others found a way to use the fan following to create the divide they want. The story of politics I guess. It always takes people away from the real purpose of it..

  13. Beautiful quotes . I was using the third one without realizing its as His ! And the fourth one is the one which is needed so much as all followers of all great men take their words for face value irrespective of the change of an era… Thanks for the share Vinay .. I respect him a lot .

    • I really liked framing this post Kokila. It was really nice reading more about him and of course his quotes as well. I guess the third one probably has taken many forms and even for me it will always be difficult to identify who said that, owing to the many people who have said it – perhaps with different wordings. But surely great words to live by though, an inspirational man, a creator of an era and someone whose principles are valid till date :)


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