Comments on: Women To Blame For Rape – UP Cops Startup and Motivation Thu, 21 May 2020 13:32:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Gerald Fri, 26 Oct 2018 01:46:24 +0000 Only rapists can stop rape. Some rapes are prevented/stopped by women; others are prevented/stopped by non-rapist men. But ultimately only rapists can decide not to rape.
So the burden falls on women to avoid rape by avoiding rapists.
As only around a quarter of rapes are by rapists unknown to their victims all women can do is reduce their risk. It cannot be eliminated.

By: Alok Vats Tue, 11 Nov 2014 07:02:00 +0000 In reply to Vinay Nagaraju.


By: shruti Sun, 09 Nov 2014 17:10:00 +0000 In reply to Vinay Nagaraju.

And then comes the social ‘ menace’ of mardaangi where one treats women as commodities…giving rise to plethora of social injustices.

By: Vinay Nagaraju Sun, 09 Nov 2014 07:48:00 +0000 In reply to Sumit Singh.

Ha ha :D .That’s a real clever way of saying it Sumit :). I see the point in developing and underdeveloped states where these challenges are rampant. Maybe the solution is greater policing and better education for these policing.

I think the govt has some really strong laws, the only challenge is when it comes to execution. And execution is always post mortem. The thought has been to try a punitive measure for an action that has already happened. How about preventing it? If there is some action on that front, the amount of development we can witness can really be huge..

By: Vinay Nagaraju Sun, 09 Nov 2014 07:46:00 +0000 In reply to shruti.

Thank you Shruti :). Oh yes indeed forget education, people run away as soon as you even mention sex as a subject to them. It seems as if it is only a physical aspect without any mental connection and if there is no education to teach that difference, we are really headed for some grave danger.

By: Vinay Nagaraju Sun, 09 Nov 2014 07:44:00 +0000 In reply to Maniparna Sengupta Majumder.

The only thing I can say here Maniparna is – “Their intelligence is only surpassed by their stupidity” :P :D .. There will never be any logic to that, it is like a rant of sick man!

By: Vinay Nagaraju Sun, 09 Nov 2014 07:43:00 +0000 In reply to Rajesh Asarpota.

Ha ha, it is the beauty of Irony Rajesh. I have often wondered if there is a much better irony in any written classics at all than what is happening out there. It is as if the masters of irony are all cloaked in the same uniforms!

Spot on Rajesh, it is a cultural issue, there are people with minds so narrow that any widening there would split open their brains! Simply stated – it is a way to subdue people so that they can have their “supremacy” over them. They don’t seem to understand the concept of respect when things are so easy making them follow their orders and looks like people have been reluctant forever to give up this position of power!!

Probably Rakesh, maybe being a little safe helps them a bit cos it makes sense to avoid places which tend to lurked by muggers or some other buggers in the same rung. Not just for the women but also men too. I see the point in you stating the dangers are a lot higher for women than the men..

By: Vinay Nagaraju Sun, 09 Nov 2014 07:40:00 +0000 In reply to yogi saraswat.

Ha ha ha :D :D .. This is hilarious Yogi :)

By: Vinay Nagaraju Sun, 09 Nov 2014 07:39:00 +0000 In reply to Moon Roy.

This a very valid point Moon Roy. You hit the right spot there when you talk about the psyche of the society or people and they really need some serious education. I think it is completely baseless and pointless and I don;t understand the logic of blaming a victim! I mean I don’t even understand how they can even think of something like that!

There needs to be a whole cultural reshift and the solutions are deep rooted as much as the problems. Instead of looking towards the solution if they are just trying to point fingers, I am sure that the blame game is never going to end. It is going to be one horrible set of events which finally bites them back in the wrong place.

By: Vinay Nagaraju Sun, 09 Nov 2014 07:37:00 +0000 In reply to Alok Vats.

Ha ha.. True Alok, instead of taking responsibility, it was the classic shifting of blames and I felt that they appeared like a bunch of jokers while making those statements. If you get robbed – then it is your mistake for carrying money, if you get stabbed then it is your mistake for being accessible, if you fall in a pit – it was your mistake that you fell not because there was a pit there!!

By: shruti Thu, 06 Nov 2014 12:44:00 +0000 Very true, too much importance has been given the idea of sex and too and too less importance has been given to respecting it. How true? Many people in our society consider sex education to be a shame. How pathetic!

By: Maniparna Sengupta Majumder Wed, 05 Nov 2014 19:18:00 +0000 Such stupid comments are made from time to time, not only by police only but also by politicians and even by some dumb-headed guys. If these are the only reasons for rape then what about would be the reason behind the rape of 7 months, 2 years or 6 years children? How pathetic it sounds when they made such comments!
