Comments on: Whose fault is it? Startup and Motivation Wed, 20 May 2020 10:55:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Vinay Nagaraju Thu, 23 Oct 2014 09:51:00 +0000 Thank you Deepak. Spot on mate, if we don’t see anything , then we dont know what we are going after and in such a case, I guess it becomes very hard to move ahead. Kinda like shooting in the dark! :)

By: Vinay Nagaraju Mon, 21 Jul 2014 13:39:00 +0000 Thank you Manjula :). Very glad to hear from you and you’re really very sweet to be saying that.. Thank you :)

By: Vinay Nagaraju Sat, 19 Jul 2014 03:13:00 +0000 In reply to matheikal.

He he,, true that, in that case I’d say punch them :P ;)

By: matheikal Sat, 19 Jul 2014 03:02:00 +0000 The problem is that most of the time the mistake is committed by the others :)

By: Vinay Nagaraju Fri, 18 Jul 2014 16:30:00 +0000 In reply to Shivani.

Thank you Shivani :).

Oh yea, when it comes to money and $$$ I am sure admitting might not be the best recluse. Although it sets us free, it does trap us quite strongly. Kinda reminds me a funny quote – ‘Confession is good for the soul but not for the person carrying it’ :D ..

That is lovely Shivani, I would love to watch this movie. The words are so fantastic and the view is beautiful with life as a choice and living with those challenges as a choice and way of life. Quite powerful indeed :)

By: Shivani Fri, 18 Jul 2014 15:26:00 +0000 Good post once again. Yeah admitting mistakes does set one free i agree to that. Vinay there was this movie i saw recently. Sometimes even when you admit that you have defaulted and you are ready to undergo all that it takes to make commends it just does not set you free. The movie said something and i am just sharing it with you. It said life is about making choices and then the most difficult thing is to live with those choices. i know you won’t understand what i’m trying to say here. See this movie called The Words. Later let me know. What should or ought to have been done by that man who defaulted. I’ll come back to ur page. Because i’m trying to conjure up as many noble answers myself. Would help to know what ur thoughts are. :)

By: Vinay Nagaraju Fri, 18 Jul 2014 15:03:00 +0000 Thank you Baba :). I guess finally it all boils down to that one threadbare question as to how it affects us and what we do about it. Perhaps that makes the most difference in life and the rest finds a way to work itself around this..

By: Vinay Nagaraju Fri, 18 Jul 2014 14:30:00 +0000 In reply to Alok Vats.

True Alok, I really get irritated when someone points fingers at me. And I have a huge list of compliments I can give when they do that to me ;). But having said that I have realized of late that it is a real waste of energy to do that. I mean people don’t really worry about the fault once they point out. It is as if their job is done and they dont want anything to do with it.

True Alok, it does take a lot of courage and also sometimes importantly someone who can forgive at ease as well. It can be a nice two way street :)

By: Vinay Nagaraju Fri, 18 Jul 2014 14:28:00 +0000 In reply to Kokila Gupta.

Thank you Kokila :). I couldn’t agree more.. I guess we all struggle it in every walk of our life and sometimes it is harder to make in those shifts as well. But I believe with a continued focus and a little bit of practice, things will be magical soon :)

By: Vinay Nagaraju Fri, 18 Jul 2014 14:27:00 +0000 Thank you Anmol :). I agree, it is a very easy escape, but I guess it takes a stronger gait to take up that responsibility and respond accordingly :)

By: Kokila Gupta Fri, 18 Jul 2014 05:44:00 +0000 “the answer is not in who did it, the answer is in how to solve it! ……” Believe me Vinay, this, above one is the line wise people struggle with OR despite being wise lack courage and dread the possible failures.Great post.. :)

By: Alok Vats Fri, 18 Jul 2014 05:28:00 +0000 It actually hurts when anyone points a finger on us, but then it actually hurts even more to point fingers at ourselves. I am not saying whose fault is it, but then if it is your fault then you should have the courage to accept it. Honestly this is the thing which makes me really too irritate these days, when I see someone doing some fault, and when asked for it, clearly refusing to accept it, though I know he/she has done this.

We should have the courage to accept the faults if we made any.
