Comments on: Success is not final, failure is not fatal – Winston Churchill Startup and Motivation Thu, 05 Dec 2024 18:56:41 +0000 hourly 1 By: 14 Abdul Kalam Inspirational Quotes, Dreams and Success - Inspire99 %quotes Fri, 22 Nov 2024 14:21:03 +0000 […] and plays a fatal role in our inspiration. Handling disappointments in life is never easy. However, failures are not deadly or fatal– there’s no such thing as failure if you are willing to take feedback and keep moving […]

By: There is only one success to be able to spend your life - Inspire99 Sat, 27 Jan 2024 13:57:49 +0000 […] character. It is about living our lives the way we want. Instead of this being a single outcome, success is a journey of multiple results. Sometimes, these results include failures too, but that’s the beauty of long-term vision […]

By: When You Feel Like Quitting, Think About Why You Started - Inspire99 Tue, 20 Jun 2023 06:55:30 +0000 […] “Success is not final, failure is not fatal: It is the courage to continue that counts.” – Winston Churchill […]

By: 9 Priceless Benjamin Franklin Quotes for Inspiration - Inspire99 Tue, 25 Apr 2023 15:02:56 +0000 […] to the end. It’s not enough to simply have the energy to start a task; one must also have the persistence to overcome obstacles and push through until the job is […]

By: Perseverance is Not A Long Race - Walter Elliot - Inspire99 Sat, 24 Dec 2022 07:17:45 +0000 […] Winston Churchill (Source) […]

By: I am That Change - Allu Arjun Quotes for Motivation - Inspire99 Fri, 12 Aug 2022 16:51:36 +0000 […] at one point in time will not be the same later. The most compelling message in this quote is that success is never final and failure is never fatal. I’m aware that it is a quote by Winston Churchill – but the […]

By: Do what you can with what you have –Theodore Roosevelt - Inspire99 Wed, 27 Jul 2022 12:31:29 +0000 […] never inspire you to move ahead. Life is about moving forward and finding motivation. (Related: Success is not final and failure is not fatal). Life is all about moving […]

By: 10 Inspiring Quotes about Failure, Meaning and motivation - Inspire99 Fri, 18 Mar 2022 14:48:14 +0000 […] Success is not final and failure is not fatal, it is the courage to continue that counts […]

By: Churchill on Success | Brownlee Global Network – A Financial, Health and Emotional Well-Being Blog Mon, 28 Jun 2021 05:52:09 +0000 […] […]

By: Vinay Nagaraju Tue, 16 Apr 2019 10:20:12 +0000 In reply to Suman.

A very sensible point Suman. I will try and respond in line to your comment to try and do better justice to it:

– Success needs to be redefined and so does failure

Fair point, I think our capability for success and failure keeps changing as we grow each day. The goal gets clearer as we reach closer. Sometimes we end up changing this goal and sometimes, it is taken over by a better one. It is almost as if both success and failure are ephemeral. Their presence is only at a certain point in time and if we are mature enough to treat these as incidents, we can look at creating further changes in them. I believe the most important point is to keep growing from every incident and expanding our capabilities. Without change or redefinition of these elements, success or failures mean very little as constant entities.

Perception of success and failure

– I like your elucidation through the example of a journey to bangalore from Delhi. The idea of success or failure is very much dependent on our feeling at that point in time. Although in this scenario, the end goal was to reach from a source to a destination, there is a significant impact of the type of journey we take and the emotions we go through with them. Perhaps in this example, there is a sense of success and failure in the feeling and the emotions we have through the process. It takes the focus from an objective definition of success or failure into a creative framework which can bring a lot of life into each of these experiences.

And yes, we need to relish each part of this journey or else the entire journey makes no sense. It is our own personal story to tell in the rich saga of our lives. If we can try and live each moment to the fullest, then the reward is the beautiful journey in itself.

Thank you for your thoughts, truly liberating.

By: Suman Tue, 16 Apr 2019 10:02:00 +0000 Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. It’s very true and I am sure that this has provided strength to generations to pick up their pieces and start again. I am sure though, how many souls calmed down on their ego after they tasted success!
Don’t you feel that success needs to be redefined and so does failure! Because it’s not the destination that defines success.
Imagine travelling from Bangalore to New Delhi by Indian Railways and the train leaves on time and arrives at New Delhi before the scheduled time. But you had noisy and nasty co passengers, the food was awfully tasteless, the air-conditioner worked only at times and there were mosquitoes to name a few. Would you term this as a successful journey?
Alternatively you could have a wonderful time with the passengers, making new friends but arriving a few hours late and reaching the meeting a bit late. Would you term this journey as a failure?
Life is a journey with beds at either ends. We win some and we lose some and that is statistically proven. …. Everyone need to relish it and give their 100% along the way without being bothered too much by the outcome.

By: Vinay Nagaraju Tue, 16 Apr 2019 07:30:52 +0000 In reply to dpranita583.

Thanks Pranita, it is always nice to be appreciated. I have a huge liking towards Winston Churchill’s collection of quotes. They have a sense of urge and rush to them. Would love to hear your thoughts on success, failure, perseverance and how they all tie together for you.
