Comments on: In Case You Thought Optimism Was Dead, Robert Brault Quote And Meaning Startup and Motivation Wed, 24 Jun 2015 04:32:48 +0000 hourly 1 By: Vinay Nagaraju Wed, 24 Jun 2015 04:32:48 +0000 In reply to Abhijit.

Thank you Abhijit. I really enjoyed making this post :)

By: Vinay Nagaraju Wed, 24 Jun 2015 04:32:15 +0000 In reply to Ravish Mani.

Ravish I reread my article twice. I’ve never said that optimism as a choice is a lie. The only lie I’ve mentioned is about people who claim to be a 100% optimistic. If thats the case I’m just saying that they’re either being too naive or calling themselves an optimist just to feel better. A real person goes through all the phases. He’s an optimist and also a pessimist. There can never really be an absolute optimist. And if there’s one I’d like to meet them. But I can assure you that the conversation with them might get a little annoying cos sometimes you just need to appreciate your problems as well, sometimes you need to worry about what they mean to you. If youre talking about dissociation from a problem, it might be the ultimate solution but not without associating with it first .. Or else it becomes meaningless

By: Vinay Nagaraju Wed, 24 Jun 2015 04:24:43 +0000 In reply to Somali K Chakrabarti.

Thank you Somali. Optimism is a beautiful choice to side with and a great value and aspiration to live by. Although we can never hit a 100% optimistic note, getting there is all the fun :)

By: Vinay Nagaraju Wed, 24 Jun 2015 04:23:37 +0000 In reply to Mayuresh.

Thank you Mayuresh. I’ve loved these debates on optimism or pessimism . I finally would side by the thought that life is more important and the choices we make really matter. And optimism truly is nothing but a choice. It is very easy to be innocent and optimistic . but it is very meaningful to know the troubles and yet remain hopeful. That deserves true respect :)

By: Vinay Nagaraju Wed, 24 Jun 2015 04:21:43 +0000 In reply to Maniparna Sengupta Majumder.

Spot on maniparna. The belief in self is much stronger than anything else and it drives us towards a workable solution :)

By: Vinay Nagaraju Wed, 24 Jun 2015 04:20:48 +0000 In reply to Kiran.

Thanks Kiran. Personally I believe that definitions are a choice. If you ask me I’ll say even pessimism is a lie. As for optimism is concerned, I completely endorse the fact that people can never really be completely optimistic. In fact there’s no optimism without pessimism in life or else there wouldnt have been any results. Intellectually it is a great debate for pessimism or optimism or even realism. But I think life is life, we go through all these stages only to stick on to what works best for us. And sometimes pessimism makes more sense than optimism can . and its impossible to remain completely optimistic when things around us shatter and life keeps questioning us. We vacillate, we move back and forth. Hence I said a 100% optimism is a lie and an aspiration towards that sometimes becomes an unreal goal as well

By: Vinay Nagaraju Wed, 24 Jun 2015 04:16:02 +0000 In reply to Tara Nair.

He he thank you Tara :). I loved writing on this quote. People seem to think that definitions are everything and I for one have always hated them. The impact they can have on life make a lot more sense than that :)

By: Tara Nair Tue, 23 Jun 2015 08:53:28 +0000 Woot Woot! This is a sound punch on the people who have completely mis-understood the meaning of optimism. I loved the quote and I totally relate to what your perception is towards being optimistic. Respect!

By: Kiran Mon, 22 Jun 2015 19:56:39 +0000 Great post. But, I can’t agree to your saying that it’s a lie that some people are always optimistic. There are ups and downs in our life, doesn’t mean our attitude changes with it. The optimist doesn’t only look, and see that the glass is half full, but he is the one who knows that even a fully empty glass can be, and will be filled. So, an optimist keeps faith even in dark times,. It doesn’t mean that he never has downs. Only that he belives that bad times will pass, and keeps his cool.

By: Maniparna Sengupta Majumder Sun, 21 Jun 2015 10:44:34 +0000 I strongly believe this. Optimism is one’s belief in himself. The determination to carry on things even in the worst of times…. :-)

By: Mayuresh Sat, 20 Jun 2015 18:13:31 +0000 Wow Vinay another great thought…Optimistic is Really a choice….it’s choice whether to leave it or continue for some more time…that’s what will make a difference….
Optimism will help you decide whether to leave or hold for some more time….


By: Somali K Chakrabarti Sat, 20 Jun 2015 16:12:35 +0000 Completely believe in this Vinay. Optimism is a state of mind. It is not about saying that nothing will go wrong, but it is what gives us the ability to continue when things go awry.
