Comments on: Preventing the trap of Long Meetings in a Company Startup and Motivation Sat, 30 Jan 2021 18:08:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Vinay Nagaraju Thu, 10 Sep 2020 06:19:26 +0000 In reply to Jayasurya Pathapati.

Thank you Jayasurya, great to hear from you. The topic sort of came from the last few months of lockdown and naturally it has become very important to keep meetings short.

However I do see that it is not always easy, sometimes the deviations are really important. One of the things I that has worked – particularly with senior members causing deviations is to appoint the moderator for a meeting. If they are announced at the start of a meeting, that sometimes works well.

However it is hard one for sure and you’re right there’s no quick answer. Agenda and prep I think are really the most important aspects. If those are managed, we can get a very good success rate on the trap of long meetings.

Glad you found the topic resonating with the current scenarios, I will try and keep it up. As always great to keep hearing feedback 😊

By: Jayasurya Pathapati Wed, 09 Sep 2020 09:19:09 +0000 That’s a great topic you have touched upon Vinay! I should say it brought forth a few mistakes i’ve been doing while conducting meetings with my team.

As the person responsible for business development and growth at my company, i usually look at how our products, services, and internal processes can be tweaked to provide a better service and deliver value. This role pushes me to do a lots brainstorming along with my team members during our meetings. One great point is “Keeping the Agenda small”. I’m def guilty about keeping the agenda too big (typically what all we should achieve in the next one year), which i realise often leads to team members loosing the track of areas we need to focus upon. I think I should work on things one at a time, keep deadlines, and meet more frequently, while keeping the scope of agenda and the length of the meeting small.

On a different note, since most of the times i end up being the moderator of most (all :/) of the meetings, i often get into situations where i need to interrupt members from going off the track. It usually gets awkward when someone senior to you does it. I think keeping a time slot and a timekeeper, would definitely save me from such situations :P.

PS- it’s good to hear your thoughts every week on different topics :).
