That’s an important point Nimai, that should never be the first thing to think about as soon as we get up. There is so much to appreciate in a day and the moment we start with a TO DO list, life seems so stressed out and we keep thinking about what to do and how to do instead of focusing on the lighter aspects of life which are so important.
]]>Yes that’s true becoz we generally thinks at the early morning of the day that i have to do this thing , that thing today . we do plan lot more but hardly execute it . Be bold take your first step ……wht time TAKES DON’T WORRY…..
]]>True Jyothi, I think it is also about just getting there and doing it, taking those decisions faster so that it all counts. Or else there is a good chance that we overplan and under deliver something in the end.
]]>Thank you Rupam..
]]>True Maitreni and I also think it is one of the hardest ones to take, especially when we don’t have an exact plan. I once read that the best thing to do as soon as we have a thought or an idea is to make a committment, set up a meeting or announce, so that we do not lose the track of the idea. And then it keeps us seriously attached to it. It kinda has worked very well for me so far. Hope to fine tune it and make it better sooner..