You Will Never Have Time For Anything : Charles Buxton

You will never have time for anything: Time is one of the most elusive thing on earth. It will never be given to you or me. We have to fight for the time to do the things that we really like. That’s the central theme of today’s quote by Charles Buxton – You will never have time for anything.

In this article, we talk about prioritisation, objectively identifying what’s most important to us, procrastination and productivity to make the best use of time. Time will continue to be a scarce resource, but we just have to be clever in using it to our advantage.

You will never have time for anything, if you want time, you must make it

Charles Buxton

How to deal with not having enough time?

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You will never have time for anything. If you want time, you must make it – Charles Buxton

The simplest answer is in prioritisation. You will never have time for anything – you have to create the space for things that are most important to you. If you follow Charles Buxton’s quote – the central message is that everyone faces this shortage of time. No one has found a way to expand time. Instead, the best thing we can do is to use it most effectively to serve our needs.

Why don’t we have enough time?

Of course, we are all busy. Sometimes, the list of things to do never stops. Equally, we’re also responsible for making this list in the first place. We have to be brutal and ask the question – does everything in this list need to be done?

If not, please cut down the list as the first and foremost action. Unnecessary items add unnecessary pressure. It is not healthy to worry about things that don’t deserve this space.

Time is the only fair resource:

Keeping it very logical, we all know that the only resource that has been equally distributed in this world is TIME. We don’t have the same amount of resources or money or riches. We may not even have the same intellect or EQ or IQ and we may not even have the same capacities and knowledge and what not. But we all have the same 24hrs of time.

Instead of worrying about not having enough time, think about what you must be doing. In other words – focus on prioritisation

Prioritising time for important things

You will never have time for anything- you have to make it. That’s the beauty in this quote. We can’t complain about not having enough time. We have to fight for things that we think are important. Some prioritisation techniques that will help are: Eisenhower Matrix for time management, 4Ds of time management, using pareto rule, etc.

Ultimately, all these techniques ask you to focus on making time for things that are most important for you.

Managing time for productivity

Apart from priorisation – we have to plan for productivity of time. This can involve many skills such as multitasking and even challenging the myth of being able to do more than one thing at a time. Procrastination features as one of the most common distractions for time management. But they all play an important role in helping you to create time for things that you need.

Read more about time management techniques in the related presentation.

You Will Never Have Time For Anything

Whatever our reasons are – we will never have time for anything. It won’t be offered to us as a solution. We have to fight and work hard to create opportunities for ourselves. That’s really the meaning of this quote by Charles Buxton – don’t fall into the trap of complaining about time. No one is going to give that for you.

If you want something, you ought to find a way to make it happen.

You will never have time for anything, if you want time, you must make it

Charles Buxton

8 thoughts on “You Will Never Have Time For Anything : Charles Buxton”

  1. right as always Vinay :) One has to squeeze out time for oneself and one’s work. Though I do feel like “they don’t have the problems I do ” I try to keep the ball rolling. Its an ongoing process.. believe me !

    1. Thank you kokila.. How are you doing ? Been a while since we saw you on the writings.
      True, I guess we all are very busy people and naturally we have lots of things to do. The only way to do them all is to not do a few ;)

    1. I have nominated you for ” 3 day quote a day quote challenge” started by Roohi Bhatnagar. You have to put one quote each day for three days, and nominate two people each day. Since you are master of quotes, this should be a cake walk.


      1. Ha ha :D . Thank you Abhijit, I tried looking at the rules and I somehow refrain from the rules of the challenge. feels pretty simpler this way.

        I like the nickname master of quotes, the first time I have ever been called that. Will cherish this one :)

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