life hacks

8 Rules for goal setting to Achieve Your Dreams

In this article, we talk about the importance of goal setting for our dreams. Our dreams usually provide us with an indication of the results we want. However, there’s still the task of breaking this dream down into deliverables or milestones. We will cover some of the basics of goal setting, defining the outcomes and creating success criteria. A goal is useless if you don’t know whether you’re reaching your vision or not.

7 Tricks To Maintain Long Term Motivation and Achieve Your Goals

This is where it all starts, this is the prime reason as to why you started your quest in the first place and this defines your hunger for the goal. Write down all the reasons why you want to achieve this goal and stick it on a wall or the mirror or the place where

people talking behind your back, relationship advice, people skills, social skills

6 Things To Do When People Talk Behind Your Back

It’s awful when people talk behind your back. These things not only hurt us when we hear the gossip but also we have to work doubly hard to defy this information. But it’s a mighty task to face these gossips and set things right. So, we open this question – what to do when people

The 10 Rules Of Compassion: Relationship, Social Advice, Life Tips and Hacks

10 rules of compassion: Compassion is a really nice word isn’t it? It makes us feel more human and more connected to the people around us. It makes us feel that we belong to this world and this community of humans and we all have a certain role to play. Needless to say, it really feels amazing to be compassionate and connect to people at the time they need our help.

7 Tips to Improve Productivity While Studying!

If you are a student, we love you. If you are not, we love you all the same :). But I think this is something we all can relate to – the difficulty to concentrate while studying! I have found it way harder to sit in front of books to study than do some live

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