inspiring quotes

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I never dreamed about success – Estee Lauder

Estee Lauder’s impactful quote resonates deeply with the essence of achieving success. It underscores the importance of action and effort in realizing one’s dreams rather than simply wishing for success to come effortlessly. This quote encapsulates the principle that success is not a result of mere dreams but is earned through dedication, hard work, and relentless pursuit.

You can’t build a reputation on what you are going to do - Henry Ford

14 Stirring Henry Ford Motivational Quotes

This is a collection of inspiring quotes by Henry Ford. Wiki and google reads will give you a wider subset of all of Henry Ford Quotes. In this section ,we talk about a few quotes that I hold dear as my favourite. The article has a list of inspiring ford quotes followed by a gallery of his inspiring words.

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Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence

“Nothing in the world can take the place of Persistence. Talent will not; nothing is more common than unsuccessful men with talent.”

This insightful quote encapsulates a profound truth about success and the role of persistence in achieving one’s goals. At its core, the quote emphasizes that no matter how talented or gifted an individual may be, without persistence, their talents alone are insufficient to guarantee success. The world is full of examples where individuals with immense talent have fallen short of achieving their aspirations due to a lack of perseverance.

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Success is getting what you want happiness is – W.P.Kinsella

W.P. Kinsella’s quote, “Success is getting what you want; happiness is wanting what you get,” challenges us to reevaluate our perspective on success and happiness. It encourages us to find a delicate equilibrium between our aspirations and our present state. By understanding that true happiness originates from embracing the present and finding contentment within, we can embark on a journey of self-discovery and fulfilment.

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10 Awe-Inspiring Determination Quotes For Your Dreams

Determination is the driving force that propels us to achieve greatness, overcome challenges, and turn dreams into reality. In times of adversity, motivational quotes on determination serve as powerful reminders of our inner strength and resilience. In this article, we present a collection of inspiring quotes that celebrate the essence of determination, motivating you to stay focused, persevere, and embrace success.

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