how to handle stress

The same hammer that shatters glass forges steel, there is a lot of truth in this - are we made up of glass or steel - the hammer is the same

The same hammer that shatters glass forges steel

This is a beautiful quote that marks a thought for the day. Our challenges and circumstances pose challenges each day. How we react to these challenges shapes our lives and opportunities. While we discuss the inspiration behind this article, we talk about the meaning of – the same hammer that shatters glass forges steel. It is a question of what we are made up of. Are we weak as glass or tough as steel?

Anxiety, Stress management : 7 Creative ways

How to Deal with Anxiety! We all feel anxious sometimes. Nervousness, stress, tension are the main symptoms of anxiety and most times we even fail to recognize its occurrence. Here is a post by my dear friend Alok Vats written for the passionate people of this site on 7 ways to deal with anxiety! Honestly

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