Don’t compare your beginning to Someone else’s middle

Don’t compare quotes: This is a lovely quote about comparing ourselves with someone else. I’ve been a fairly competitive person all my life. This has meant that I’ve often felt sad and agitated for being in a worse state compared to others. This quote makes a very important point – we can’t compare our start to someone else’s end point. Comparison must always be about similar situations and outcomes. If we aren’t doing that, our comparison is wrong and brings out awful results.

Don’t compare your beginning with someone else’s middle

– Thorin Klosowski

Don’t compare your beginning with someone else’s middle Meaning

If you feel like comparing – go ahead. But make sure that your comparisons are fair. You can’t expect to play like Roger Federer or Nadal the first day you start learning tennis. That’s insane.

Everyone starts somewhere. Don’t succumb to the temptation of comparing the outcomes. Focus on the journey, it will clearly tell you where you are. Most importantly, it will tell you what you need to do. Comparison can’t be an easy excuse to feel bad or fall into the victim mentality. It must act as a source of inspiration and get you closer to your goals.

Why do we compare?

It is human to compare. We’re inspired by what we see around us. Comparison is just as natural as inspiration and I may even argue that it is a source of motivation. The trouble is that when people compare, they feel bad and stop at it. But that’s clearly missing a point.

I can argue that comparison, goals and everything should be personal. However, you won’t get feedback unless you compare to someone. But when you do – see their full journey. Competition is a beautiful thing – it inspires us to do more. That’s its purpose, isn’t it?

compare quotes, quote on comparing with others, dont compare with others quote, inspirational quote, motivational quote, inspire99 quote
Don’t compare your beginning with someone else’s middle – Thorin Klosowski

Like-to-like comparison

You cannot compare apples and oranges! I know it sounds absurd. But this is the same thing as comparing your life to someone else’s. If you feel like comparing – take a pause. Try to understand what your mind is actually telling you?

You might feel bad that you don’t have the same outcomes. Your mind is just telling you that it wants something badly. Jealousy as Susan Cain says is an ugly word. But it tells you the truth. If you’re compelled to compare, don’t just stop at feeling bad. An emotion is a powerful message. Instead of denial, listen to what this comparison is telling you.

Don’t compare quotes

I want to split this section of don’t compare quotes into two segments – about being yourself and comparing to others.

Be Yourself Quotes

In the first part, I want to focus on the strength and belief to be yourself. James Clear in Atomic Habits makes a powerful point about habits and creating processes for success. Even though it is tempting to compare ourselves to the results others have achieved, your glory is about what you do. The outcomes have a way of working themselves out.

“Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.” ― Oscar Wilde

“Trying to be someone else is a waste of the person you are.” ― Marilyn Monroe

To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson

“You don’t have to do what everyone else is doing.” ― Oprah

“It doesn’t matter what others think. This is about YOU. Create a life that you genuinely love with your whole heart and start with yourself.”― Brittany Burgunder

Source – Be Yourself Quotes

Don’t compare to other quotes

While comparing, the fault is when people compare single entities. It is easy to ignore the full picture of the person you’re comparing against. No journey is fully similar. Everyone has their own struggles, challenges and successes. This is what makes life so magical. Here are a few pearls of wisdom on comparing yourself to others.

The most important thing to remember while reading these don’t compare quotes is – you ought to learn to protect yourself. Comparison can be an amazing motivator if used correctly. It can help you establish great standards to aspire for. On the flip side, it can turn into jealousy and bitterness quickly. If you’re able to create this distinction – comparison can be a fantastic tool for your motivation.

The only person you should try to be better than is who you were yesterday. – unknown

A flower does not think of competing to the flower next to it, it just blooms. – Zen Shin

“Don’t compare yourself with anyone in this world. If you do so, you are insulting yourself.” – Bill Gates

“You wouldn’t worry so much about what others think of you if you realized how seldom they do.” Eleanor Roosevelt

“Never ever compare yourself with other people. They may have what you don’t have; you also have what they may not have. Over-watching what they have is over-looking what you have. Use what you have” – Israelmore Ayivor

“Comparing yourself to someone else pollutes your unique glory. Wear your uniqueness with a top notch pride. It’s all you will ever need.” ― Hiral Nagda


12 thoughts on “Don’t compare your beginning to Someone else’s middle”

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  7. Man ! I have to say, You just bring out the best point. I suffered with it a lot, How can I improve that?
    It always takes time, I know that, but still :( Any tips? look forward to that. Great Article.

    1. Thank you so much Sourav, these words mean a lot to me :). The last few days, we have been trying to focus on the new type of articles and I am very happy to know that we are able to connect better.

      I guess we all do that, somewhere we just have to stop and identify if it is actually drawing us down and playing with our confidence. If that is the case, each time something like that happens – I try to manage a diary and see how I can replace that behavior with something else. Instead of justifying I try to accept something I am not good at and see how I can be good at that. Not that it works all the time, but it certainly makes life a little bit easier and gives me an opportunity to talk to these people who are doing it well and seek their help.

      I think it has somehow to do with consciously looking beyond the shortcomings if that makes any sense .. :)..

  8. Very well said Vinay. Our lives are full of comparisons for the wrong reasons. If we ever compare to improve ourselves, then it would be a different world for us and the society.

    1. Thank you Fayaz, nice to hear from you. It had been a while since I got in touch. Hope things are going great.

      I agree, somehow I guess it is ingrained in our thought process, maybe by the society or the people around us – maybe the good thing there is that it makes us elevate our standards, but the real challenge is to maintain the confidence while being competitive as well. I find that quite an interesting mix.

      That is a nice way of looking at things I would say, the way to look within and see how far we have come and how long we have to go. Maybe that helps bridge the gap and helps us go forward with our lives..

  9. Maniparna Sengupta Majumder

    Right..we are quite hypocrites as far as comparison is concerned. We keep on comparing ourselves and others…rather by instinct. A quote we should always remember.

    Loving this quote of the day series. Wonderful compilation, Vinay… :-)

    1. Thank you Maniparna, I am really glad you liked it. This time I thought I would take it seriously and make sure I come up with atleast one each day and I have been pretty happy the way they are turning out. I would still like to gain more interaction with the readers though, something you do it very well on your site. I see that you have a charming way of having them engaged. Any suggestions?

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