May 2016

Alcohol Keeps You Happy ~ With Statistical Proof!

Alcohol Keeps You Happy! The Effect of alcohol on people! Wow! What a topic to write on. I bet you are thinking that I am being incredibly audacious and rather stupid to make a claim like this. Trust me, I would feel the same too if I was reading an article which would say alcohol […]

5 Tips To Prevent You from Being a Pushover?

A Pushover? To be or not to be, that is the question! – The good old hamlet dilemma. At this point I am assuming that we agree to identify two types of people – the ones being pushed over and the ones pushing you. For the time being, we keep aside the nice people who

Don’t Keep Calm, Earth is Being Destroyed by Psychopaths!

Don’t you keep calm now! This is one of the reasons why I like facebook so much. Of late, I think the number of quotes we are exposed to are becoming more on the internet and more so, they are becoming funnier and sensible! All along, we are taught to be calm, tolerant and unreactive

5 Steps to Get Rid of The Inferiority Complex

Inferiority Complex! What does it actually mean when someone says they have an inferiority complex? For me it simply means that they think of themselves way smaller than they actually are. And that is given a fancy name called inferiority complex. Quite naturally, the superiority complex is when people think they are better than they

How to Stay Positive When Depressed?

Depressed! I think there are a lot of websites out there which talk about depression as if it is a disease which needs to be immediately eradicated, as if a shadow of darkness has been cast upon it. For a change, we shall try and see it in the other light and see how we

dreams and courage, courage to follow dreams, following dreams, pursue dreams, dreams quote, courage quote

All Dreams Come True If Only…

Dreams and Courage Almost every successful dreamer is going to tell you that dreams will come true. And almost any failure dreamer would tell you that you should approach them with caution and luck plays a huge role. It is very rare that you get to see a successful one quoting luck. However, that doesn’t

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